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    It is easy, in one sense, to define effective advertising: Advertising is effective if it accomplishes the advertiser's objectives. This perspective defines effectiveness fr om the output side, or in terms of what it accomplishes. It is much more difficult to define effective advertising fr om an input perspective, or in terms of the composition of the advertisement itself.
    There are many perspectives regarding what makes for good advertising, and practitioners are broadly split on the issue. This is because practitioners have a variety of experiential bases fr om which they have drawn their philosophies. For example, a practitioner of direct-mail advertising probably has a different opinion about what constitutes effective advertising than does Shirley Polykoff, the creator of the Miss Clairol campaign, or Steve Hayden, the inspirational source behind the "1984" Macintosh commercial.
    Simple definitions of what constitutes good advertising are often little more than misleading attempts to generalize from a base of lim ited experiences. For example, the following definition offered by one well-known advertising practitioner is meaningless in its generality: "A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself". This is equivalent to saying that a newscaster is good only if he or she does not attract attention to him- or herself or that a good professor goes unnoticed by his or her students. Of course, this is unrealistic.
    Although it is impractical to provide a singular, all-purpose definition of what constitutes effective advertising, it is meaningful to talk about general characteristics. At a minimum, good (or effective) advertising satisfies the following considerations:
    1. It must extend from sound marketing strategy. Advertising can be effective only if it is compatible with other elements of an integrated and well-orchestrated marketing communications strategy.
    2. Effective advertising must take the consumer's view. Consumers buy product benefits, not attributes. Therefore, advertising must be stated in a way that relates to the consumer's – rather than the marketer's needs, wants, and values.
    3. Effective advertising is persuasive. Persuasion usually occurs when there is a benefit for the consumer in addition to the marketer.
    4. Advertising must find a unique way to break through the clutter. Advertisers continuously compete with competitors for the consumer's attention. This is no small task considering the massive number of print advertisements, broadcast commercials, and other sources of information available daily to consumers. Indeed, the situation in television advertising has been characterized as "audiovisual wallpaper" – a sarcastic implication that consumers pay just about as much attention to commercials as they do to the detail in their own wallpaper after seeing it for years.
    5. Good advertising should never promise more than it can deliver. This point speaks for itself, both in terms of ethics and in terms of smart business sense. Consumers learn quickly when they have been deceived and will resent the advertiser.
    6. Good advertising prevents the creative idea from overwhelming the strategy. The purpose of advertising is to persuade and influence; the purpose is not to be cute for cutes’ sake or humorous for humor's sake. The ineffective use of humor results in people remembering the humor but forgetting the selling message.
    Effective advertising is usually creative. That is, it differentiates itself from the mass of mediocre advertisements; it is somehow different and out of the ordinary. Advertising that is the same as most other advertising is unable to break through the competitive clutter and fails to grab the consumer's attention.
    It is easier to give examples of creative advertising than to exactly define it. Many advertising practitioners would consider the following four examples to be effective, creative advertising:
    • The pink bunny campaign for Energizer batteries. This is the campaign wh ere a pink drum-beating bunny is shown in a variety of situations all of which portray the bunny's endurance as exceeding the other commercial protagonists'. This ongoing campaign has employed a variety of executions of the same underlying theme: Energizer batteries, like the drum-beating bunny that concretizes the argument, are still going, and going, and going...
    • The Sega! Sega! campaign for Sega Genesis. Not many years ago Sega was on the verge of going belly-up. But a brilliant ad campaign initiated in 1992 has dramatically reversed the pecking order in the 16-bit video game category. This campaign has positioned Sega as the "cool" brand for teenagers. In one well-known execution, a nerdish youngster is taunted by bullying classmates until he buys a new Genesis system. Thereafter, it is he who bosses the bullies around. This commercial ends, as do all others, with the signature scream, Sega! Sega! In the year following the debut of this campaign. Genesis game sales soared 196 percent, and Sega's market share increased to 60 percent of a $6 billion video game market.

    Requirements for Setting Good Advertising Objectives

    An advertising objective is a specific statement about a planned advertising execution in terms of what that particular advertisement is intended to accomplish. That goal is based on the current, or anticipated, competitive situation in the product category and the problems that the brand must confront or the opportunities that are available for it to seek.
    The specific content of an advertising objective depends entirely on the brand’s idiosyncratic situation. Hence, it is infeasible to discuss objective content without current details (such as market research information) about the advertising context. We can, however, describe the requirements that all good advertising objectives must satisfy. Let us first start by making it clear that not all statements of ad objectives are good. Consider the following examples:
    Example A: The advertising objective this year is to increase Brand X’s sales.
    Example B: The advertising objective is to increase by July 31 the target audience’s awareness of Brand X from 60 to 80 percent.
    These extreme examples differ in two important respects. First, Example B is obviously more specific. Second, wh ereas Example A deals with a sales objective, Example B involves a nonsales goal.
    Objectives Must Include a Precise Statement of Who, What, and When. Objectives must be stated in precise terms. At a minimum, objectives should specify the target audience (who), indicate the specific goal – such as awareness level – to be accomplished (what), and indicate the relevant time frame (when) in which to achieve the objective. For example, the advertising campaign for Rembrandt mouth rinse might include objectives such as these:
    1) Within six months from the beginning of the campaign, research should show that 70 percent of all consumers who use mouth rinse are familiar with the Rembrandt brand».
    2) «Within six months from the beginning of the campaign, research should show that at least 50 percent of the target audience know that Rembrandt is an alcohol-free alternative to the established brands».
    Advertising objectives provide valuable agendas for communication between advertising and marketing decision makers and offer benchmarks against which to compare actual performance. These functions can be satisfied, however, only if objectives are stated precisely.
    Example B represents the desired degree of specificity and, as such, would give executives something meaningful to direct their efforts toward as well as a clear-cut benchmark for assessing whether the advertising campaign has accomplished its objectives. Example A, by comparison, is much too general. Suppose sales have actually increased by 2 percent during the course of the ad campaign. Does this mean the campaign was successful since sales have in fact increased? If not, how much increase is necessary for the campaign to be regarded as a success?
    Objectives Must Be Quantitative and Measurable. This requirement demands that ad objectives be stated in quantitative terms so as to be measurable, as are the hypothetical objectives given for Rembrandt mouth rinse. A nonmeasurable objective for Rembrandt would be a vague statement such as «Advertising should increase consumers’ knowledge of product features» This objective lacks measurability because it fails to specify the product features for which customers are to possess knowledge.
    Objectives Must Specify the Amount of Change. In addition to being quantitative and measurable, objectives must specify the amount of change they are intended to accomplish. Example A (to increase sales) fails to meet this requirement. Example B (to increase awareness from 60 to 80 percent) is satisfactory because it clearly specifies that anything less than a 20 percent awareness increase would be considered unsuitable performance.
    Objectives Must be Realistic. Unrealistic objectives are as useless as having no objectives at all. An unrealistic objective is one that cannot be accomplished in the time allotted to the proposed advertising investment. For example, a brand that has achieved only 15 percent consumer awareness during its first year on the market could not realistically expect a small advertising budget to increase the awareness level to, say, 65 percent next year.
    Objectives Must Be Internally Consistent. Advertising objectives must be compatible (internally consistent) with objectives set for other components of the marketing communications mix. It would be incompatible for a manufacturer of packaged goods to proclaim a 25 percent reduction in sales force size while simultaneously stating that advertising’s objective is to increase retail distribution by 20 percent. Without adequate sales force effort, it is doubtful that the retail trade would give a brand more shelf space.
    Objectives Must Be Clear and in Writing. For objectives to accomplish their purposes of fostering communication and permitting evaluation, they must be stated clearly and in writing so that they can be disseminated among their users and among those who will be held responsible for seeing that the objectives are accomplished.


    Advertising is the most visible part of promotion. It refers to any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, services, persons or places through the mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor.

    Chapter Questions

    1.    How long is the history of advertising?
    2.    What are functions of advertising?
    3.    What are the differences between advertising and other marketing communication tools?
    4.    What are the main objectives of advertising?
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