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    контрольная по англ.

    1.    Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните инфинитивные конструкции и определите их форму, залог, функцию. Переведите предложения на рус¬ский язык.
    Образец: Не often forgot to register         Indefinite, active, дополнение.
                   the results of the experiment.     Он часто забывал записывать
    результаты эксперимента.
    1. All the attempts to confirm this suggestion have failed. 2. To translate a sentence is to discover its meaning. 3. The traditional role of science is to make people healthy. 4. This theory was found to have disagreed with practice. 5. The Sun is the first object to be studied by rocket astronomy. 6. He promised to come at once. 7. Juri Gagarin was the first to circle the Earth. 8. The aim of the book exhibition is to exchange experience and to display the finest editions. 9. This assumption was faulty to begin with. 10. This is the lesson to be learnt fr om a study of history.

    2.    Перепишите предложения с герундием. Определите функцию слов, имеющих окончание -ing (ing-form). Переведите предложения на русский язык и подчеркните переведенный герундий.
    Образец:     All he thought of was             Gerund,     часть составного сказуемого.
    reading books.                     Он думал только о чтении книг.
    1. She hurried home on hearing the news of his arrival. 2. Give up smoking, you don't want to ruin your health. 3. Complaining will not help matters. 4. During test I need recording data immediately. 5. After having checked the temperature twice he decided to change conditions of the experiment. 6. The dish showed no signs of having been touched. 7. Keep moving, otherwise you’ll frozen. 8. They had no difficulty in solving the puzzle. 9. In spite of being tired, he continued working. 10. The snow had ceased falling, and the wolf might easily find his tracks.

    3.    Перепишите предложения и определите, чем являются выделенные слова: Participle I, Participle II или Perfect Participle. Переведите предложения на  русский язык.    
    Образец: Having slept two hours he felt rested.  Проспав два часа, он чувство-
    вал себя отдохнувшим.
    (Perfect Participle).
    1. Не tried all the methods recommended. 2. He spent all spare time training for the contest. 3. Examples being given at the lessons help me to understand the rule. 4. Having plenty of time I didn’t hurry. 5. Having been badly wounded so many years ago he would now and then feel a sharp pain in his chest. 6. It was pleasant to look at the rising sun. 7. The man making the report is a good speak¬er. 8. Her spirit, though crushed, was not broken. 9. In the tent there was letter addressed to Captain Scott saying: “Welcome to the Pole.” 10. They looked at her in surprise as though not believing her story.

    4.    Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами Gerund, Participle и In¬finitive, используя глаголы в скобках.
    When my sister Anne was six years old, I saved her fr om ... (to kidnap). At the end of the war there were rumours about strange men who lured little child¬ren into quiet places with promises of toys and sweets, persuaded them into ... (to talk) about their parents and if the parents turned out ... (to be) of no further interest to them, they usually left the children ... (to find) their way home in tears. So my parents spent a great deal of time ... (to warn) Anne about ... (to talk) to strange men.
    One day, Ann went out ... (to play) in the street after tea and could not be found an hour later. We looked through the ... (to surround) streets, but no one had seen her. My father went off in the car... (to look) for her, and 1 decided ... (to search) in the park. Some boys there told me that they had seen a small P" in a blue dress ... (to watch) a cricket match, and someone else said that she ha been seen ... (to walk) off with a man who was pushing a bicycle. The chances were against this child ... (to be) my sister, but I walked off in the direction in which they had been seen ... (to walk). This brought me to a back alley. I called Anne’s name, and was surprised ... (to hear) her voice ... (to call) back. I found a hole in the hedge, and as I scrambled through she came ... (to run) towards me. I was in time ... (to see) a youth ... (to climb) over the fence. He grinned and waved at me and said “Can’t stop” and dropped on the other side.
    Anne and I walked home; she was not in the least excited about her exploit. She had walked into the park with two girl-friends ... (to look) for butterflies had watched a cricket match, and had then got into conversation with "a nice man”, who told her he knew wh ere she could catch butterflies. He took her the alley, ... (to tell) her stories as they walked along. I warned her about (io talk) to strange men but she insisted on this man ... (to be) "quite nice”. I agreed that this was probably so, but made her ... (to promise) that, in future she would never again accept an invitation ... (to look) for butterflies.

    1.    Most people have heard the names used to identify lodging establishments - hotel, motel, inn, motor inn, resort hotel or motel, condominium, lodging house, hospital, and dormitory and others. In addition to them there are some more specialized terms, used to describe some of the many other lodging estab¬lishments.
    2.    Motor inn is a term that came into use as an alternative to the term motel and originally described a motel property whose proprietors wished to convey the concept of free parking and the traditions of an inn - a kind of modern inn. In the 1950s and 1960s when older hotels were no longer in favor because of competition fr om motels, many hotel properties that had parking facilities on premises or nearby changed their names from hotel to motor inn in order to compete with motels.
    3.    A transient hotel is one that is designed to cater to temporary guests - people who have need of accommodations for a comparatively few nights. The guests may be business people, groups of sightseers, government employees, members of armed forces, students, or any persons seeking temporary lodging.
    4.    Residential Hotel. In contrast to transient hotels, some hotels have tradi-tionally provided accommodations for long-term guests - individuals who con-sider the hotel their temporary or permanent home. Residential hotels offer tradi¬tional hotel services - food and beverage, laundry and dry cleaning, telephone, and the like, for those who choose to live permanently in hotels
    5.    The term resort hotel is commonly used to describe lodging establishments that feature enjoyable or beneficial - often healthy - recreational activities for their guests. Swimming, tennis, and golf are the most common. Some resorts have only lim ited recreation facilities on premises and provide their guests access to other recreational facilities nearby. Resorts have traditionally catered to customers who stayed for several days or several weeks. In past generations, many resorts had guests who would stay for an entire season. Some resorts still have guests who stay for extended periods. Many resort hotels that once catered exclusively to vacationers now cater to those attending meetings and conven¬tions.
    6.     Convention Hotel. This is a term used to designate a very specialized type of hotel: one that focuses on conventions as the primary source of business. Some convention hotels were specially designed to accommodate convention Business; others set their sights on conventions only after newer properties - motels, for example - began to capture their other business. The principle differ ence between convention hotels and other hotels is in specific facilities available for convention groups. These include at least one large ballroom or similar meeting room and a substantial number of other meeting rooms nearby. Conven¬tion hotels also have the capacity to prepare and serve food and beverages to large numbers of people in banquet rooms, as well as in several rooms and bars.

    1.    Перепишите и протранскрибируйте данные ниже слова, переведите их на русский язык. Посмотрите значение в словаре.

    2.    Перепишите глаголы. Подберите к данным глаголам соответствующие существительные из текста. Переведите сочетания на русский язык.
    to designate
    to consider
    to focus
    to capture
    to wish
    to convey
    to prepare
    to change
    to set
    to choose

    3.    Перепишите, составьте сочетания из данных прилагательных и сущест¬вительных. Переведите сочетания на русский язык.

    4.    Перепишите слова и сочетания. Составьте четыре предложения и переведите на русский язык.
    1) access, to use an entire season, lim ited; 2) convention business, to be de-signed, to serve business people; 3) motel, traditional, packing, food and beve-rage; 4) in past generations, commonly, inns, to provide.

    5. Выпишите из текста предложения с выделенными словами. Поставьте вопросы к этим словам.

    6. Перепишите и письменно переведите 2 и 6 абзацы.
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    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
    Nata0610 Давно сотрудничаю с Натальей. Всегда уверена в качестве работ, аккуратности оформления и сроках выполнения. Отдельная благодарность за готовность всегда прийти на помощь даже по специфическим заказам.  
    SiberianWolf Спасибо все вылнено в срок .  
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