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    Контрольная работа № 3
    Вариант 3

    I. Выберите правильный вариант видовременной формы глагола, перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, указав, в какой видовременной форме находится выбранный вами глагол.
    Example: The engineer … to test the device.
    a) was asked; b) have been asked; c) are asking; d) has asked.
    The engineer was asked to test the device. – Инженера попросили испытать механизм. (Past Simple, Passive Voice)
    1. Digital disks … of plastic coated with aluminum and the information is recorded by using a powerful laser.
    a) is made; b) make; c) have being made; d) are made.
    2. At present high-capacity optical transmission systems … between many major cities at a rapid rate.
    a) are installing; b) are being installed; c) have installed; d) installed.
    3. Telegraphs … by other forms of telecommunications such as fax machines and electronic mail, but they are still used in some parts of the world to send messages.
    a) has largely replaced; b) are replacing largely; c) have been largely replaced; d) are been largely replaced.
    4. Resulting changes in the plate current … by passing the signal through more tubes.
    a) can be amplified; b) can been amplified; c) could amplified;    d) can amplifying.
    II. Прочитайте предложения, перепишите их, выделив указательные местоимения. Переведите письменно предложения на русский  язык.
    Example: We know that a computer is a complex electronic device. – Мы знаем, что вычислительная машина является сложным электронным устройством.
    1. The work of a university or college graduate is more efficient than that of a specialist with secondary education.
    2. The first solar battery operated on semiconductor crystals similar to those used in transistors.
    3. Broadcast radio and cellular radio telephones are examples of devices that create signals by modulating radio waves.
    4. These two metal sections are then bolted together to make one.
    III. Прочитайте предложения, перепишите их, обращая внимание на выделенное местоимение it, переведите предложения на русский язык.
    Example: We find it necessary to repeat the experiment. (формальное дополнение) – Мы считаем необходимым повторить этот эксперимент.
    1. This is a small car, but it has a powerful engine.
    2. Electronics makes it possible to raise industrial automation to a higher level.
    3. It is a new subject; we shall study it for two years.
    4. It is necessary to carry out this experiment.
    5. It was Einstein who provided a new conception of time, space and gravitation.
    IV. Прочитайте предложения, перепишите их, обращая внимание на выделенные слова ones, one, переведите предложения на русский язык.
    Example: One should be very careful. – Нужно быть очень осторожным.
    1. Silicon is one of the plentiful elements in the world.
    2. One can easily understand why the profession of an engineer requires a special college training.
    3. Only time will tell if the decisions we have taken are the correct ones.
    4. Our laboratory equipment was much worse than the new one.
    V. Перепишите предложения, употребив глаголы в правильной видовременной форме, переведите предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на  функции глаголов to have, to do, to be  в предложениях.
    Example: This material (to have) many valuable qualities. – This material has many valuable qualities. – Этот материал имеет много ценных свойств.
    1. The first television invention that (to have) practical consequences was the “electrical telescope”.
    2.  Some materials with useful qualities (to have) to be sent by ship in a week.
    3. For some time it (to be) possible to conduct meetings by video with colleagues across town or across the world.
    4. One of the most interesting developments in telecommunication (to be) in the rapid progress of optical communication.
    5. With recent advances in technology, we can (to do) things we couldn’t have dreamed of 10 years ago.
    6. What (to do) you do to get such high amplification of the signal?
    VI. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    Example: To solve the problem is very important. Решить эту проблему – очень важно.
    1. To prove this law experimentally is very difficult.
    2. In the next few years laser will become one of the main technological tools.
    3. I regret to notify you that the model you want is out of stock.
    4. Signals to be measured must be strong enough.
    VII. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребив субъектный инфинитивный оборот. Напишите их и переведите на русский язык.
    Example: It is expected that the experiment will be over soon. – The experiment is expected to be over soon. – Предполагают, что эксперимент скоро закончится.
    1. It can be said that the world is in the midst of an electronic revolution.
    2. It seems that the results of the solar project are very important.
    3. It is unlikely that engineers will find a solution to the problem quickly.
    4. It is known that sound travels through the air in waves.

    Работа над текстом

    I. Прочитайте текст, используя пояснения к тексту. Выполните упражнения к тексту.
    Fr om the History of ICs
    1. The integrated circuit was first conceived by a radar scientist, Geoffrey W.A. Dummer (born 1909), working for the Royal Radar Establishment of the British Ministry of Defence.
    The first integrated circuits contained only a few transistors. Called "Small-Scale Integration" (SSI), they used circuits containing transistors numbering in the tens.
    SSI circuits were crucial to early aerospace projects. Both the Minuteman missile and Apollo program needed lightweight digital computers; the Apollo guidance computer motivated the integrated-circuit technology, while the Minuteman missile forced it into mass-production.
    2. The next step in the development of integrated circuits, taken in the late 1960s, introduced devices which contained hundreds of transistors on each chip, called "Medium-Scale Integration" (MSI).
    They were attractive economically because while they cost little more to produce than SSI devices, they allowed more complex systems to be produced using smaller circuit boards, less assembly work (because of fewer separate components), and a number of other advantages.
    3. Further development, driven by the same economic factors, led to "Large-Scale Integration" (LSI) in the mid 1970s, with tens of thousands of transistors per chip.
    LSI circuits began to be produced in large quantities around 1970, for computer main memories and pocket calculators.
    4. The final step in the development process, starting in the 1980s and continuing on, was "Very Large-Scale Integration" (VLSI), with hundreds of thousands of transistors, and beyond (well past several million in the latest stages).
    For the first time it became possible to fabricate a CPU on a single integrated circuit, to create a microprocessor. In 1986 the first one megabit RAM chips were introduced, which contained more than one million transistors. Microprocessor chips produced in 1994 contained more than three million transistors.
    5. This step was largely made possible by the codification of "design rules" for the CMOS technology used in VLSI chips, which made production of working devices much more of a systematic endeavour. To reflect further growth of the complexity, the term ULSI that stands for "Ultra-Large Scale Integration" was proposed for chips of complexity more than 1 million of transistors. However there is no qualitative leap between VLSI and ULSI, hence normally in technical texts the "VLSI" term covers ULSI as well, and "ULSI" is reserved only for cases when it is necessary to emphasize the chip complexity, e.g. in marketing.
    6. The most extreme integration technique is wafer-scale integration (WSI), which uses whole uncut wafers containing entire computers (processors as well as memory). The WSI technique failed commercially, but advances in semiconductor manufacturing allowed for another attack on IC complexity, known as System-on-Chip (SOC) design. In this approach, components traditionally manufactured as separate chips to be wired together on a printed circuit board are designed to occupy a single chip that contains memory, microprocessor(s), peripheral interfaces, Input/Output logic control, data converters, and other components, together composing the whole electronic system.

    IC    интегральная схема
    small (medium, large) IC    интегральная схема с маленькой (средней, большой) степенью интеграции
    CPU    центральное процессорное устройство
    CMOS    комплементарная МОП-структура
    RAM    запоминающее устройство с произвольным доступом

    II. Укажите какие из данных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста.
    1.    The first IC contained a huge amount of transistors.
    2.    Two US aerospace projects were interested in integrated-circuit technology.
    3.     In the late 1960s there appeared LSI circuits.
    4.    At the final step in the IC technology development process VLSI circuits were fabricated and, thus, it was quite possible to develop and produce CPU.
    5.    In SOC design circuits all components are wired on a printed circuit board and compose the whole electronic system.
    III. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.
    1. Why were the first ICs called SSI circuits?
    a) because they were of small size;
    b) because they contained only tens of transistors;
    c) because they were of little use.
    2. What were the advantages of MSI circuits?
    a) they cost less;
    b) they needed no further development;
    c) they allowed to produce more complex systems and needed less assembly work.
    3. What is the most extreme integrated technique?
    a) ULSI;
    b) WSI;
    c) SOC design.
    IV. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.
    1. The Apolo guidance computer motivated the integrated-circuit technology, while the Minuteman missile forced it into mass production.
    a) Компьютер наведения ракет Apolo продвинул технологию интегральных схем, а ракета Minuteman ускорила ее  массовое производство.
    b) Компьютер наведения ракет Apolo мотивировал технологию интегральных схем, а ракета Minuteman форсировала ее массовое производство.
    с) Компьютер Apolo выдвинул технологию интегральных схем, в  то время, как Minuteman ускорил ее массовое производство.
    2. For the first time it became possible to fabricate a CPU on a single IC.
    a) Впервые стало возможным фабриковать ЦПУ на одной ИС.
    b) Впервые стало возможным создавать ЦПУ на одиночной ИС.
    с) Впервые представилась возможность создавать ЦПУ на одной ИС.
    3. The term ULSI that stands for “Ultra-Large Integration” was proposed for chips of complexity more than 1 million transistors.
    a) Термин СБИС, который подразумевает интегральную схему со сверх большой степенью интеграции, был предложен для схем, содержащих более, чем 1 миллион транзисторов.
    b) Название СБИС, означающее сверхбольшую интегральную схему, было предложено для схем со степенью интеграции более 1 миллиона транзисторов.
    с) Название СБИС было предложено для чипов со степенью интеграции более 1 миллиона транзисторов.
    V. Переведите письменно абзацы 3 – 5 текста.

    Контрольная работа №4
    Вариант 3

    I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите, является ли подчеркнутая форма инфинитивом, причастием или герундием. Переведите письменно предложения на русский язык.
    Example: The falling water has kinetic energy. Falling – Причастие I. Падающая вода обладает кинетической энергией.
    1. X-rays can’t be reflected easily by a mirror.
    2. The rays traveling through a layer of gas use part of their energy to ionize the gas they pass through.
    3. Computers are widely used for controlling all kinds of processes.
    4. You should have known wonderful features of computers long ago.
    II. Раскройте скобки, используя Participle I или Participle II. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    Example: (Heat) magnet loses some of its magnetism. – Heated magnet loses some of its magnetism.
    1)    Water (heat) above 100º C boils.
    2)    Algol first (introduce) in Europe in 1960, is used for mathematical and scientific purposes.
    3)    The (result) electron pairs are called covalent bonds.
    4)    Triode is a vacuum tube (contain) three electrodes.
    III. Перефразируйте данные сложные предложения, употребив независимый причастный оборот. Переведите письменно полученные предложения.
    Example: As the weather was fine, we went for a walk. – The weather being fine, we went for a walk. – Так как погода была хорошая, мы пошли гулять.
    1)    When various media are used, we can communicate quickly.
    2)    When free electrons move along the conductor, an electric current is generated.
    3)    When the electric current passes through a wire, it will be heated.
    IV. Прочитайте и перепишите следующие предложения. Определите, к какому типу условного предложения относится каждое из них. Переведите письменно предложение.
    Example: Ice will turn into water if you heat it. – Условное предложение I типа. – Лед превратится в воду, если его нагревать.
    1.    If the new instrument hadn’t been developed, this experiment wouldn’t have been successful.
    2.    If the model fits well, the observed data will be correct.
    3.    If radioelectronics were not developed, there would be no cosmonautics, cybernetics and other sciences.

    Работа над текстом

    I. Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните задания после текста.
    A Рerspective on Nanotechnology
    1. In his famous speech “There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom in 1959”, Richard Feynman discussed the possibility of manipulating and controlling things on a molecular scale in order to achieve electronic and mechanical systems with atomic sized components. He concluded that the development of technologies to construct such small systems would be interdisciplinary, combining fields such as physics, chemistry and biology, and would offer a new world of possibilities that could radically change the technology around us.
    2. A few years later, in 1965, Moore noted that the number of transistors on a chip had roughly doubled every other year since 1959, and predicted that the trend was likely to hold as each new generation of microsystems would help to develop the next generation at lower prices and with smaller components. Up till now, the semiconductor industry has been able to fulfill Moore's Law.
    The impact on society and our lives of the continuous downscaling of systems is profound, and continues to open up new frontiers and possibilities. However, no exponential growth can continue forever, and the semiconductor industry will eventually reach the atomic limit for downsizing the transistor.
    3. Today, as that limit still seems to be some 20 years in the future, the growth is beginning to take new directions, indicating that the atomic limit might not be the limiting factor for technological development in the future, because systems are becoming more diverse and because new effects appear when the systems become so small that quantum effects dominate. The semiconductor devices show an increased diversification, dividing for instance processors into very different systems such as those for cheap disposable chips, low power consumption portable devices, or high processing power devices. Microfabrication is also merging with other branches of science to include for instance chemical and optical micro systems. In addition, microbiology and biochemistry is becoming important for applications of all the developing methods. This diversity seems to be increasing on all levels in technology and many of these cross-disciplinary developments are linked to nanotechnology.
    4. As the components become so small that quantum effects become important, the diversity will probably further increase as completely new devices and possibilities begin to open up that are not possible with the bulk materials of today's technology.
    The visions of Feynman are today shared by many others: when nanotechnology is seen as a general cross-disciplinary technology, it has the potential to create a coming "industrial" revolution that will have a major impact on society and everyday life, comparable or exceeding the impact of electricity and information technology.

    scale    масштаб, уровень
    roughly    приблизительно
    predict    предсказать
    increase    увеличивать
    for instance    например

    II. Укажите какие из данных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста.
    1.    In 1959 Richard Feyman supposed that it was possible to manipulate and control things on a molecular scale.
    2.    In 1965 Moore noted that the number of transistors on a chip doubled every two years.
    3.    The semiconductor industry will never reach the atomic limit for downsizing the transistor.
    4.    Today, the semiconductor devices cannot find wide application.
    5.  The visions of Feynman are today shared by many other scientists.
    III. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.
    1. What did Richard Feynman conclude in 1959?
    a)    It would be possible to achieve atomic sized components of devices.
    b)    The size of device components would achieve their limits.
    c)    It would be possible shrink electronic devices twice.
    2. Who noted the doubling in the number of transistors on a chip?
    a)    Richard Feynman;
    b)    Tomas Moore;
    c)    Isaac Newton.
    3. What does today’s diversity of semiconductors devices show?
    a)    It will develop further.
    b)    It will reach its lim its.
    c)    It will be increasing on all levels in technology.
    IV. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.
    1. Moore predicted that the trend was likely to hold.
    a)    Мур предсказал, что эта тенденция, по всей видимости, будет удерживаться.
    b)    Мур предсказал, что, вероятно, эта тенденция останется неизменной.
    c)    Мур предсказал, что это направление будет неизменным.
    2. However, no exponential growth can continue forever.
    a)    Однако, никакой экспоненциальный рост не может продолжаться вечно.
    b)    Однако, видимые изменения не будут наблюдаться постоянно.
    c)    Однако, видимый рост не будет продолжаться долго.
    3. Nanotechnology is seen as a general cross-disciplinary technology.
    a)    Нанотехнология расматривается как междисциплинарная технология.
    b)    Нанотехнология рассматривается, как технология, связанная с другими дисциплинами.
    c)    Нанотехнология рассматривается, как технология, пересекающаяся с другими дисциплинами.
    V. Переведите письменно абзацы 2 – 3 текста.

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