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    👍 Английский язык Перевод 003

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    Техносферная безопасность


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    Английский текст - ниже:


    The ecology is a science about relationship of an organism with the environment.
    Object of ecological researches is, including the person. At the same time the person is usually studied, first of all, in his working conditions (the sea, coal mines, space flights, etc.)
    The special direction of ecology of the person is a protection of the environment of his dwelling.
    The ecology of the person includes all range of natural, social, spiritual factors. In philosophical and natural-science literature the attention to nature ecology addresses more. However it is necessary to save not only the nature, but also the person from results of his activity and a divergence. The consciousness the personality and society of these problems assumes also their relevant decision.
    In ecology of the person the healthy environment as a natural factor of ensuring natural human right on life (environmentally friendly products, water, air and of river) has paramount value. All this is imperceptible if is normal.
    The second half of the 20th century is characterized by high concentration of the vital problems which aren't solved by mankind yet. The problem of environmentally friendly production is particularly acute. For the solution of this problem people use ecocertification.


    The surrounding environment - set of natural systems, natural objects and natural resources, including atmospheric air, water, lands, a subsoil, flora and fauna, and also climate in their interrelation and interaction.
    The favorable environment - such condition of the natural objects forming the environment created by the person, and also quality of life and conditions which conforms to legislatively established standards and standards concerning its purity, resource intensity, ecological stability, a specific variety and esthetic wealth.
    Protection of the surrounding environment - activities for preservation and restoration (if it is broken) favorable state of environment, to the prevention of her degradation in the course of social development, to maintenance of ecological equilibrium.
    Environment components - the earth, a subsoil, soils, surface and underground water, atmospheric air, vegetable, fauna and other organisms, and also an ozone layer of the atmosphere and the near-earth space providing in total favorable conditions for existence of life on Earth.
    Natural object - natural ecological system, a natural landscape and elements making them which have kept the natural properties.
    Natural and anthropogenous object - the natural object changed as a result of economic and other activity and (or) the object created by the person, having properties of a natural object and having recreational and protective value.
    Anthropogenous object - the object created by the person for ensuring his social requirements and which doesn't have properties of natural objects.
    Anthropogenous object - the object created by the person for ensuring his social requirements and which doesn't have properties of natural objects.
    Natural ecological system - objectively existing part of the environment which has spatial and territorial borders and in which live (plants, animal and other organisms) and her lifeless elements interact as uniform functional whole and are connected among themselves by exchange of substance and energy.
    Negative impact on the environment - impact of economic and other activity which consequences lead to negative changes of quality of the environment.
    Natural resources - environment components, natural objects and natural and anthropogenous objects which are used or can be used at implementation of economic and other activity as power sources, products of production and consumer goods and have consumer value.
    Use of natural resources - operation of natural resources, their involvement in economic circulation, including all types of impact on them in the course of economic and other activity.
    Environmental pollution - receipt to the environment of substance and (or) energy, property, location or the number of whom make negative impact on the environment.
    Pollutant - substance or mix of substances, quantity and (or) concentration of which exceed the standards established for chemicals, including radioactive, other materials and microorganisms and make negative impact on the environment.
    Control in the field of environmental protection (environmental control) - the system of measures directed to prevention, identification and suppression of a violation of the law in the field of environmental protection, ensuring compliance by subjects of economic and other activity with requirements, including standards and normative documents in the field of environmental protection.
    Harm to the environment - the negative change of the environment as a result of her pollution which has caused degradation of natural ecological systems and exhaustion of natural resources.
    Ecological safety - a condition of security of the environment and the vital interests of the person from possible negative impact of economic and other activity, emergency situations of natural and technogenic character, their consequences [1, 3].


    The legal basis of environmental protection in the country is made by the law RSFSR "About sanitarno − epidemiological wellbeing of the population" (1999) according to which the sanitary legislation including this law and regulations establishing criteria of safety for the person, factors of the environment of his dwelling and the requirement to providing favorable conditions for his activity is entered.
    The requirement of environmental protection is recorded in Bases of the legislation of the Russian Federation "About protection of public health" (1993) and in the act of the Russian Federation "About consumer protection" (1992).
    The major act aimed at providing ecological safety is the Federal law "About Environmental Protection" (2002).
    The law installs system of the nature protection legislation, the basic principles and objects of protection of the surrounding environment, an order of management of her.
    In the law the right of citizens of the Russian Federation for the favorable habitat is recorded.
    The most important section of the law "Economic Regulation in the field of Environmental Protection" establishes the principle of availability at a price of use of natural resources.
    The amount of a payment depends on that, are exceeded or not the set environmental management limits what scales of environmental pollution were at the same time (in the limits coordinated with the appropriate public authorities or not).
    In some cases the payment for reproduction of natural resources is provided (for example, the woods, fish stocks etc.).
    The law establishes the principles of rationing of quality of the surrounding environment, an order of conducting the state environmental assessment, ecological requirements to placement, design, reconstruction, commissioning and operation of the enterprises.
    Separate sections of the law are devoted:
    to emergency ecological situations;
    to especially protected territories and objects;
    to the principles of environmental control;
    to ecological education, education and scientific research;
    to settlement of disputes in the field of protection of the surrounding environment;
    responsibility for ecological offenses;
    to order of compensation of the done harm.
    From other acts in the field of environmental protection it should be noted the Water code of the Russian Federation (1995), the Land code of the Russian Federation (2000), the Federal law "About Protection of Atmospheric Air" (1999), the Federal law "About Environmental Assessment" (1995), the act of the Russian Federation "About use of atomic energy" (1995), Federal law "About Production Wastes and Consumption" (1998).

    Standardly − legal acts on environmental protection include:
    the sanitary standards and rules of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation providing necessary quality of natural means (air, water, soils);
    The Construction Norms and Regulations of the State Committee for Construction of the Russian Federation establishing an order of the accounting of ecological requirements at design, construction and acceptance for operation of objects of the national economy, office and residential buildings;
    the documents of Gosgortekhnadzor defining the principles of environmental protection when mining;
    the all-federal normative documents (AFND) of Goskomecology establishing the principles of control of environments, calculations of the pollutants expected concentration in them etc.
    Main type standardly − legal acts on environmental protection is the system of the Conservation standards.
    Industry standard documentation and documentation of the enterprises for environmental protection includes OST, STP, the leading documents (LD), provisions, etc.

    Executive power, local government and specially authorized bodies from which main thing is the Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation (MGTR of Russia). Development and carrying out nature protection policy in the country, coordination of the corresponding works in branches and departments, conducting environmental assessment, carrying out environmental control and some other duties are assigned to MPR. MPR also provides rational environmental management (mining, use of waters), the state environmental control behind protection and rational use of surface and underground water, and also waters in system of economic water use. Department has territorial authorities.
    Emissions in the atmosphere and the hydrosphere can lead to environmental disasters therefore the big role in their prevention and mitigation of consequences belongs to Emercom of Russia. The customs committee prevents import to Russia of plants and animal, dangerous to flora and fauna of the country.
    Management of environmental protection in territorial subjects of the federation, in edges, areas and the cities is carried out by bodies representative (legislative assemblies, City Councils, etc.) and executive (the governments, the city halls, etc.) the authorities.
    Bodies of the state environmental control include executive authorities, control service in the sphere of environmental management and ecological safety of MPR of Russia, and also Gosatomnadzor of Russia, Federal service of the land registry of Russia, the Russian Ministry of Health (one of functions of which is carrying out sanitary and epidemiological surveillance) and some other, exercising the state control in rather narrow direction (environment protection against influence of objects of nuclear power, protection and rational use of fish resources etc.).
    Representatives of these bodies have the right to give instructions, obligatory for performance, to bring the officials who have violated the nature protection law to administrative responsibility, to send to court claims on compensation to the nature of damage and many other things.
    The major supervisory authority on environmental protection and rational environmental management is the nature protection prosecutor's office. In a number of territorial subjects of the federation there is an ecological militia. An important role in providing requirements of the nature protection legislation is played by courts.
    Departmental environmental control is exercised by conservancies of the ministries and departments (at their existence), and at the enterprises - services of production control which monitor implementation of health regulations and sanitary and anti-epidemic actions [2].

    Ecocertification is carried out for the purpose of creation of an economical legal mechanism on realization of the right of citizens for the favorable environment affirmed in the Constitution of Russia.
    Ecological certification - an administrative measure for ensuring quality of ecological goods and works (services) of ecological character.
    Activities for ecological certification - activity on confirmations of compliance of a subject to certification to the nature protection requirements established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    The purpose of ecological certification - stimulation of producers to introduction of such technological processes and development of such goods which in the minimum degree pollute the environment and give to the consumer production security guarantee for his life, health, property and the habitat.
    Ecocertification promotes:
    to introduction of ecologically safe technological processes and equipment.
    to production of ecologically safe production at all stages of life cycle, to increase in his quality and competitiveness;
    to creation of conditions for the organization of the productions meeting the established ecological requirements;
    to improvement of management of economic and other activity;
    to prevention of import to the country of ecologically dangerous production, technologies, waste, services;
    integration of national economy into the world market and implementation of the international obligations.
    Carrying out obligatory and voluntary certification is provided (Basic provisions of System of certification on ecological requirements for the prevention of harm to the surrounding environment, (Systems of ecological certification. The appendix 1 to the order of Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of January 23, 1995 No. 18). Ecocertification is carried out without fail in the cases provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, republics within the Russian Federation, republics within the Russian Federation. Voluntary Ekosertifikation within System is carried out in those cases in which carrying out obligatory certification isn't provided in acts of the Russian Federation. It is carried out at the initiative of the applicant on the basis of the contract between body for certification and the applicant.
    There are following types of ecological certification:
    voluntary certification of objects of the environment, natural resources, production wastes and consumption, - the technological processes, goods (works, services) intended for ensuring ecological safety and the prevention of harm to the surrounding environment (further - goods, works and services of nature protection appointment);
    obligatory certification of ecological certification of productions of the enterprises and organizations of defensive industries, the using ecologically harmful technologies.
    Works on certification within System are carried out by bodies for ecocertification, test and analytical laboratories (centers), ecoauditors who have to be accredited or certified (ecoauditors) in the order established in System. Bodies for ecocertification will be accredited in System on the right of work, and ispytatelno - analytical laboratories - on technical competence and independence.
    In case of the applicant's disagreement with the decision of body for ecocertification on refusal in issue of the ecocertificate this decision can be appealed in federal body of System.
    The work order on ecocertification within System provides performance of the following actions in a general view:
    the direction the applicant of the declaration - applications about carrying out ecological certification of a concrete object in appropriate authority for ecocertification;
    consideration of the declaration - the application;
    choice of executive laboratory (center);
    carrying out researches or tests of the selected tests (samples);
    establishment of compliance of the certified object to requirements imposed to him and making decision on a possibility of issue of the ecocertificate;
    informing applicant on results of ecocertification;
    issue of the ecocertificate on the basis of positive results of certification and entering of the certified object into the Register of System;
    implementation of inspection control of stability, and in some cases, for example, technological processes, behind dynamics of certified characteristics of an object.
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    olga_1309 Спасибо большое, быстро выполнена работа.  
    Egor_196 Подвел исполнитель. Работу не прислал. Кормит обещаниями. Зря потраченное время    
    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
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