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    ДКР. Вариант 5

    Вариант  5
    1. В каком из следующих ело» звук, передаваемый буквосочетанием ’оо", отличается от остальных?
    1) cool, 2) room, 3) roof, 4) zoo, 5) troops, 6) flood, 7) too, 8) soon. 9) moon, 10) tooth.
    2.    Выберите правильный модальный глагол:
    1)    The weather... change tomorrow.
    a)    may
    b)    must
    c)    should
    2)    She ... to finish school in a year.
    a)    may
    b)    has c ) is
    3)    The water is cold, you ... swim.
    a)    can
    b)    can't
    c)    must
    4)    I... to cover the whole distance on foot.
    a)    can
    b)    have
    c)    must
    3.    Выберите правильную форму инфинитива:
    1)    You may ring them up, they must....
    a)    return
    b)    have returned
    2)    Why didn’t you ask me? 1 might... you.
    a)    be helping
    b)    have helped
    3)    It must... urgently.
    a)    be done
    b)    have done
    4)    They are... on Monoay.
    a)    to arrive
    b)    to have arrived
    4.    Соотнесите английские предложения с русскими:
    1)    She couldn’t come on time.
    2)    She should have come on time
    3)    She may have come.
    4)    She must have come.
    5)    Could she come?
    6)    She had to come on time.
    7)    She should come on time.
    8)    She needn’t come.
    a)    Она могла бы придти?
    b)    Ей пришлось придти вовремя.
    c)    Она не могла придти вовремя.
    d)    Ей следует приходить вовремя.
    e)    Она, должно быть, пришла.
    f)    Возможно, она пришла.
    g)    Ей надо было придти вовремя.
    h)    Она может не приходить.
    5.    Выберите правильную форму глагола:
    1)    If 1... money I shall buy the book.
    a)    have
    b)    shall have
    2)    If we get the tickets, we... on Monday.
    a)    leave
    b)    shall leave
    3)    When the delegation ... you will have to work with them.
    a)    arrives
    b)    will arrive
    6.    Выберите правильную форму глагола:
    1)    If l... you, I- should choose the profession of an engineer.
    a)    am
    b)    was
    c)    were
    2)    If he were in Moscow he... us.
    a)    will visit
    b)    would visit
    c)    would have visited
    3)    If I... Chinese I should go to China.
    a)    know
    b)    knew
    c)    had known
    7.    Выберите правильную форму глагола:
    1)    If I had had time I... the translation.
    a)    should finish
    b)    should have finished
    2)    If you had taken ray address you ... my house easily.
    a)    would find
    b)    would have found
    3)    If he ... at the concert he would have enjoyed it.
    a)    had been
    b)    were
    4)    If we ... that present she would have liked it.
    a)    had bought
    b)    bought
    8.    Соотнесите придаточные предложения с главными:
    1)    If she knows English well
    2)    If she knew English well
    3)    If she had know English well
    a)    she could help you.
    b)    she can help you.
    c)    she could have helped you.
    9.    Выберите правильную форму глагола:
    1)    I wish he... with us now.
    a)    was
    b)    were
    c)    had been
    2)    I wish she... at the theatre yesterday.
    a)    was
    b)    were
    c)    had been
    3)    I wish we... it before.
    a)    knew
    b)    had known
    10.    Выберите правильную форму глагола:
    1)    I suggest that you ... the film.
    a)    saw
    b)    will see
    c)    should see
    2)    It’s necessary that everybody ... the meeting.
    a)    attended
    b)    will attend
    c)    should attend
    11.    Соотнесите английские предложения с русскими:
    1)    I wish I had money.
    2)    If I had money.
    3)    If I have money.
    4)    If I had had money with me.
    5)    I suggest you should always have money with you.
    6)    I wish I had had money with me.
    a)    Если бы у меня тогда были с собой деньги!
    b)    Если у меня будут деньги.
    c)    Жаль, что у меня нет денег.
    d)    Я предлагаю всегда иметь с собой деньги.
    e)    Жаль, что у меня не было с собой денег.
    f)    Если бы у меня были деньги.
    12.    Отметьте предложение, в котором "would” выражает отнесенность к прошлому:
    1)    What would you do in that situation?
    2)    They said they would cook an omelette.
    3)    On my way home I would always think about my teacher.
    4)    Would you do it if you were me?
    5)    I wouldn’t wait for four days.
    6)    I would do with a cup of tea.
    13.    Выберите правильный предлог:
    1)    Hello, how are you getting ...?
    a) in b ) on
    c)    at
    2)    Please, everybody get... the bus. We are starting.
    a)    at
    b)    on
    c)    out
    3)    Are you getting... the next stop?
    a)    on
    b)    of
    c)    off
    4)    The bus was so crowded that we could hardly get....
    a)    in
    b)    on
    c)    over
    14.    Выберите правильный ответ:
    1)    You know me, don’t you? -..., 1 do.
    a)    Yes
    b)    No
    2)    You have done your home-work for today, haven’t you? - ..., I haven’t.
    3)    You don’t know it, do you? -I don’t.
    a)    Yes
    b)    No
    4)    You haven’t done your home-work for today, have you? -.... I have.
    a)    Yes
    b)    No
    15.    Выберите правильное слово:
    1)    I haven’t seen her....
    a)    late
    b)    lately
    2)    She came home very    
    a)    late
    b)    lately
    3)    She always works....
    a)    hard
    b)    hardly
    4)    He... works at all.
    a)    hard
    b)    hardly
    5)    They live somewhere... us.
    a)    nearby
    b)    near
    6)    Her husband is... 60.
    a)    nearly
    b)    near
    16.    Определите, какое слово не имеет отношения к остальным:
    a) smell, b) feel, с) hear, d) see, е) run, f) taste, g) touch.
    a) huge, b) large, c) big, d) tall, e) short, f) strong, g) heavy, h) thin,
    i)    slim, j) pretty, k) fat, I) stout.
    17.    Подберите пары антонимов:
    1) unhealthy, 2) unusual, 3) unattractive, 4) unpleasant, 5) unlucky, 6) unable, 7) unknown
    a) lucky, b) lovely, c) fit, d) famous, e) common, f) attractive, g) able

    18.    Расставьте последующие абзацы в нужном порядке, чтобы закончить рассказ. Переведите его:
    One day the Hodja borrowed a big cooking pot from one of his friends. After a while he took it back to his friend’s house and gave it back to his friend together with a small pot. "Thank you very much," said his friend. "But what about this small pot? It doesn’t belong to me." "Oh, yes," said the Hodja. "When you lent me the big pot it was pregnant and the little pot is the baby, so it does belong to you. The friend took both pots and left.
    a)    "Excuse me, but could I have my big pot back?" he asked.
    b)    But after 3 weeks the Hodja had still not returned the big pot, so the friend went round to the Hodja’s house.
    c)    Next day the Hodja asked if he could borrow the big pot again. Of course his friend agreed, hoping that he would get another small pot.
    d)    The Hodja shook his head sadly. "But of course pots die," he said. "You believed me when I said your pot had a baby. If pots can have babies they can certainly die."
    e)    "What do you mean?” said his friend. "Pots don’t die. I don’t believe you. I want my pot back."
    f)    "Oh, dear!" said the Hodja. "I’m afraid I have some very bad news for you. Your big pot is dead."
    19.    Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос:
    Lunching at a restaurant, I ordered the special low-calorie dish. Then 1 ordered apple pic. The waitress told me there was none left. As I got up to go, 1 saw the same waitress serving apple pie to another table. Seeing my expression, she came over and explained, "1 just couldn’t let you eat that
    Why couldn’t the waitress let her eat the pie?
    20.    Поставьте в нужном порядке следующие абзацы:
    a)    То get creamy scrambled eggs, be careful at this stage. As soon as the egg in the pan is thick and there is almost no liquid egg left, turn off the stove. Keep stirring to continue the cooking. The heat in the pan will cook the egg to the right consistency.
    b)    Place the pan over the lowest heat possible and put the knob of butter in. Stir the butter around the pan.
    c)    As soon as the butter starts to melt, pour in the egg. Keep stirring the egg in the pan with a spoon to mix the cooked egg with the uncooked part.
    d)    Break the egg into the bowl and add the milk, salt and pepper. Beat the egg gently just to mix in the ingredients.
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    СРОЧНО 010110 Термех задача К2 Вариант 1
    olga_1309 Спасибо большое, быстро выполнена работа.  
    Egor_196 Подвел исполнитель. Работу не прислал. Кормит обещаниями. Зря потраченное время    
    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
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