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    английский язык вариант 4 работа 1 НГУЭУ

    1.Практическая часть
    1.1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его письменно.
    The problem of ‘too much’ or ‘too little’ money is as old as the world itself. A healthy
    economy needs money supply that promotes economic growth and high employment without
    inflation. Even in ancient times people wanted things, so they had to trade with each other to
    obtain them. Since money didn't exist in those days, people needed an instrument of exchange.
    Some commonplace commodities such as grains, knives, animal skins became an accepted
    means of payment for goods and services. For example, ten beaver skins were worth two knives,
    one axe and one bale of tobacco.
    However, partners of exchange were not always able to reach an agreement and very often
    bargains were not made.
    Money practically didn't exist in Colonial America. The early colonists occasionally used
    coins and currency of other nations, such as Spanish dollars. Barter was as usual as day and night
    and it seriously limited the amount of economic activity. Soon people began to realize that using
    such things as tobacco and animal skins as a means of exchange didn't work properly.
    Let's move on in time and see how the monetary system developed in Colonial America. In

    1776 the war started and the new government had the problem of financing the war. The
    Continental Congress wasn't able to finance the war and to collect taxes. The thirteen colonies
    reserved that right. But to get more money they had to borrow it from the French and Dutch.
    The Continental Congress authorized the printing of paper money called ‘continentals’. The
    government issued an excessive amount of ‘continentals’ that caused a sharp inflation. By 1779
    one ‘continental’ was worth only two cents. It was a case of ‘too much’ money. Inflation and war
    caused shortages and prices on almost all commodities increased greatly. It was very difficult to
    stop such a runaway inflation.
    After the adoption of the Constitution in 1790 the new congress faced the problem of
    creating the national monetary system. It authorized the redemption of the continentals in
    exchange for government bonds. It also established the mint of gold and silver coins. The US
    bank issued paper currency backed by gold and silver. The more gold the country had the more
    paper money it could print because money was backed by gold. All that should have solved the
    money problem. At first it worked, but a few years later the market price of silver dropped
    because too much silver had been mined. Less valuable silver coins were increasingly used and
    more valuable gold was taken out of the circulation. With only silver in circulation there was
    ‘too little’ money and as a result of this the USA economy slowed down and unemployment
    It is certainly a great problem to find the right balance between ‘too little’ and ‘too much’
    money. Maintenance of a healthy economy without causing inflation or recession is still the most
    difficult problem we have to solve.
    1.2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
    1. Why did certain commonplace commodities become an accepted means of payment for goods
    and services in ancient times?
    2. What problem did the new government of Colonial America face in 1776?
    3. What was the first paper money in Colonial America called?
    4. What caused a sharp inflation in the 1770s?
    5. What did the new congress authorize and establish?
    1.3. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний и выражений.
    запас денег, способствовать экономическому развитию, средство oбмена, средство
    платежа, достичь соглашения, валюта, ограничивать объем экономической деятельности,

    денежная система, занимать деньги, повышаться (о ценах), изъятие из обращения,
    рыночная цена, изымать из обращения, сохранение здоровой экономики, экономический
    1.4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
    1. Maintenance of a healthy economy without causing inflation or recession is still the most
    difficult problem we have to solve.
    2. A healthy economy needs money supply that promotes economic growth and high
    employment without inflation.
    3. Since money didn't exist in those days, people needed an instrument of exchange.
    4. However, partners of exchange were not always able to reach an agreement and very often
    bargains were not made.
    5. Barter was as usual as day and night and it seriously limited the amount of economic activity.
    6. The Continental Congress authorized the printing of paper money called ‘continentals’.
    7. Inflation and war caused shortages and prices on almost all commodities increased greatly.
    8. After the adoption of the Constitution in 1790 the new congress faced the problem of creating
    the national monetary system.
    9. Less valuable silver coins were increasingly used and more valuable gold was taken out of the
    10. With only silver in circulation there was ‘too little’ money and as a result of this the USA
    economy slowed down and unemployment increased.
    1.5. Составьте предложения со следующими словами.
    healthy economy, coin, recession, inflation, monetary system, unemployment, paper money,
    price, in circulation, economic activity, economic growth, money supply, agreement, instrument
    of exchange, employment.
    2.Тестовая часть
    Выберите правильный вариант заполнения пробела.
    1. We wanted to know if a salaried manager … an entrepreneur.
    a) is
    b) were
    c) was
    2. Tell me … allowed to buy nay rights from you.
    a) if am I
    b) if I am

    c) if I
    3. The managers said they … little incentive to work if they … paid well.
    a) would have, were not
    b) would have, are not
    c) will have, are not
    4.They were afraid they … no competitors in the future.
    a) will have
    b) have
    c) would have
    5. The papers said that the public … inflation.
    a) was expecting
    b) is expecting
    c) has expecting
    6.The manager said that the lenders … on higher interest rates.
    a) are insisting
    b) were insisting
    c) have been insisting
    7. He promised that during the next year the buyer … to use goods and services without
    paying for them.
    a) will be able
    b) are able
    c) would be able
    8. He said that a long-term loan … have maturity of from one to ten years.
    a) might
    b) may
    9. He said that some huge corporations … issued new debentures.
    a) have already
    b) has already
    c) had already
    10. He informed us that if they successfully … on paying less, suppliers … less.
    a) will insist, will produce
    b) insisted, would produce
    c) insist, would produce
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