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    Тест по английскому языку

    I.    Open the brackets
    1.    Plants die if you (not/water) them
    2. If I had one million dollars, I (probably/buy) a yacht.
    3. – How did it happen that you missed your stop?
       - I (not/ miss) it if the conductor (announce) the stop.
    4. What a pity my husband is away! If he (be) here he (help) us.
    5. If I (get up) early morning, I (go) jogging.
    6. You look tired. If I (be) you, I (take) a holiday.
    7. Would it be all right if I (come) round at about six?
    8. If the water (be heated) to 100C, it (boil).

    II.    Complete the text with the correct form of the verb (Passive or Active)

    Metro (1)____(be) the world’s largest free newspaper. It (2)______(distribute) in major cities all over the world. It (3)_______(start) by a Swedish businessman, and then the idea(4) ______(copy) in many other countries and cities. It (5)_____(make) its profit fr om advertising  and it has been very successful in recent years. It (6)_____(can read) in about twenty minutes. In London it (7)______(give away) at underground stations. Commuters really (8)____(enjoy) it. In fact, it has become so popular that when one passenger (9)____(put) down a copy, it(10)______(pick up) by somebody else.

    III.    Fill in the blanks as in the example:
    I went on holiday last year but it was a disaster! My hotel room was 1) smaller than (small) the one in the photograph in the brochure. I think it was 2) ….. (small) room … the hotel. The weather was terrible too. It was 3) …. (cold) in England. The beach near the hotel was very dirty – it was 4)…. (dirty) all the beaches on the island. The food was 5) …(expensive) …. I expected and I didn’t have enough money. One day I went shopping in a big department store and I broke a vase. It was 6) … (expensive) vase … the whole shop. But 7) … (bad) thing … all was that I lost my passport and I couldn’t go back home. It was 8) … (horrible) holiday …my life.

    IV.    Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense
    One summer morning Meeks (come) __1__ fr om the West to New York to find his sister.  She  (be) __2__ Mrs. Mary Snyder, a widow, aged 52, who (live) __3__  for a year in a tenement house in a crowded district.
    At her address somebody (tell) __4__ him that Mary (move) __5__ away longer than a month before. No one (can/tell) __6__ him her new address.
    On coming out of the house Mr. Meeks (address) __7__ a policeman who (stand) __8__ on the corner, and (explain)__9__ his difficulty to him. ‘I (recently/make)__10__ a lot of money and I’d like to help Mary as soon as possible’, he (add)__11__ . The policeman (pull) __12__ his moustache and (tell)__13__ Meeks about Juggins. He (say) __14__that Juggins (be) __15__ the leader of a new school of detectives. ‘ Juggins (solve) __16__ some very difficult cases. I (take) __17__ you to him’, the policeman said.
    ‘If I (find) __18__ your sister, you (pay) __19__ me two hundred dollars. I (try) __20__ to solve your case. The disappearance of people in the city is the most interesting problem I (ever, work at) __21__’, (say) __22__ the famous detective, (rise)__23__ and (put on)__24__ his hat.
    In fifteen minutes Juggins (return)__25__ holding a little piece of paper with Mary’s new address. After Meeks (pay) __26__ his bill, he (ask) __27__ the detective to explain what he (do) __28__.
    V.    Read the text.
    1.    Read the article and choose the best summary.
    a)    An American man becomes interested in where his family came from.
    b)    An American man goes to a conference about Scotland.
    c)    An American man returns to his family’s home town in Scotland.
    Scots Abroad
    By Ted Hamilton
    I always knew that I had a Scottish name, but I always thought of myself as American. I never thought about my name. I was born, like my parents and grandparents before them, here in Lexington, Kentucky. My father was in the Marines and (1) _________. Not many families are more American than us.
    Then, two weeks ago, I went to a conference of whisky producers here in Lexington. I counted 245 names on the conference programme and many of them were Scottish. I also met two brothers called Hamilton and they told me about the Hamilton clan (the Scottish word for family) and about the Hamilton tartan. They told me about the first Lord Hamilton, who married the daughter of King James II of Scotland. (2) _________(The brothers came, would you believe it, from a place called Hamilton in Canada.)
    Apparently, five million people live in Scotland, but there are more than 30 million people of Scottish origin around the world. Many Scotts went to live abroad in the nineteenth century to find land and jobs. (3) _______. They settled down, had families and some of them gave their names to their home towns. (4) ______
    Here, in the state of Kentucky, it seems that most of the people you meet have some Scottish origins. We came here poor, but we are everywhere now. (5) ____ How many of them are like me, I asked the Hamilton brothers. How many know almost nothing about their origins? To my surprise, I learnt that I was probably the only one. The Hamilton brothers thought I was very strange.
    But after the conference I was a changed man. Now most days I go to the Hamilton Family website and chat with James and David, the brothers from Ontario (and a hundred others). Yesterday, I got my first copy of a magazine called Scots Abroad. I am also waiting for the tartan scarf that I ordered online. And next summer, there is a reunion of Hamilton in Edinburgh Castle. (6)__________

    2.    Read the article again and put the sentences a – f in the gaps 1 – 6.
    a)    And they also told me about the communities of Scots living abroad.
    b)    I already have my ticket.
    c)    My grandmother worked for President Roosevelt.
    d)    Scottish bankers, Scottish businessman, in politics, in the art, in education – everywhere you look there’s a Scott.
    e)    There are, for example, 75 places called Hamilton around the world.
    f)    They went to Australia, Canada, America and New Zealand.

    3.    Find these words in the article and choose the best definition.
    1.    conference
    a)    a large meeting wh ere people talk about subject
    b)    a short conversation
    2.    origin
    a)    a place wh ere you go on holiday
    b)    the place that you come from
    3.    settled down
    a)    got married and stayed in a place
    b)    sat down
    4.    strange
    a)    normal or ordinary
    b)    not normal
    5.    reunion
    a)    wedding
    b)    meeting people again after a long time
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    olga_1309 Спасибо большое, быстро выполнена работа.  
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    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
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