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    Контрольная работа. Вариант 2

    PART I
    Упр. 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими артиклями.
    1. I wrote to her but... letter never arrived. 2. ... Europe and ... America are separated by ... Atlantic Ocean. 3. Jane is ... very nice person. You should meet her. 4. What is ... largest city in Canada? 5. Can you turn on ... radio, please? I want to listen to some music. 6. We live in ... old house near ... station. It's two miles fr om ... centre. 7. Enjoy your holiday and don't forget to send me ... postcard. 8. What is ... name of... director of... film we saw ... last night? 9. Pete and Mary have two children, ... boy and ... girl. ... boy is seven years old and ... girl is three.
    10.    If you sail fr om ... Britain to ... Denmark, you cross ... North Sea. 11. You should visit... British Museum when you are in ... London. 12. Montreal is ... large city in Canada.
    Упр. 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следу-ющих времен: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.
    1. This is the factory where my father (to work). He (to work) here for fifteen years. 2. You (to find) your note-book? - No! I still (to look) for it. I already (to look) for it for two hours, but (not yet to find) it. 3. You (to play) with a ball for already three hours. Go home and do your homework. 4. I (finish) the book. But you already (read) 100 pages since 7 o’clock. 5. I (to wait) for a letter fr om my cousin for a month already, but (not yet to receive) it. 6. My son will have learnt all the words by 7 o’clock in the evening tomorrow. 7. I (try) to explain our plan to you for an hour, and you ( not listen) to me. 8. She (work) hard for the whole day and now (sleep) badly and she (look) tired.
    Упр. 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous.
    1.    When his uncle (to leave), he (to hurry) to the station to book a ticket. 2. She (to think) that Gert and Lanny (to quarrel). 3. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to return) home. 4. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village wh ere he (to live) in his childhood. 5. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin). 6. When I came home, my mother (to tell) me that she (to receive) a letter from grandfather. 7. Wh ere you (to work) before you (to en-ter) the institute?
    4.    Преобразуйте активную конструкцию в пассивную.
    1. My father has built this cottage. 2. Beginners used that computer. 3. Somebody is open-ing the window now. 4. We sold the last French text-book. 5. People all over Russia have watched the news. 6. The moonlight lit everything in the room. 7. We shall have solved your problems by next month. 8. We have just sent for the doctor. 9. The Blacks don't use this room very often. 10. Thomas Coryate brought forks from Italy to England. 11. He has just repaired his car. 12. Somebody addressed the letter to the wrong person.
    5.    Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами.
    1.    It is clear ... me that you don't know your lesson.
    2.    London is the capital ... Great Britain.
    3.    ... nine o'clock the lecturer entered ... the hall, walked up ... the table, put his bag ... it, looked ... everybody and began his lecture.
    4.    My explanation seemed strange ... the teacher.
    5.    He gave her a big bunch ... flowers.
    6.    We tried to speak ... him, but he did not want to listen ... us.
    7.    Yesterday the teacher spoke ... us about the architecture ... St. Petersburg.
    8.    My grandmother often complains ... head ache.
    9.    I am sorry, I cannot speak ... you now, the professor is waiting ... me.
    10.    I must go ... the institute and explain ... him some details ... our work.
    11.    Many pages ... this book are torn.
    12.    Everybody looked ... me with surprise: they had not waited ... me.
    6.    Образуйте слова при помощи суффиксов. Переведите их на рус-ский язык.
    1. -er: to sleep, to dream, to teach. to climb, to think, a joke, a village.
    2.    —ist: science, material, a theory, social, to type, an animal, a novel.
    3.    -ment: to pay, to punish, to develop, to govern, to astonish, to appoint, to argue.
    4.    -ance (-ence): to prefer, to resemble, independent, significant, innocent, to differ, to re-sist.
    Упр. 7. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующееся время глагола в соответствии с правилом Sequence of Tenses.
    1.    My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting- room. 2. He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off. 3. I was sure he (posted, had post-ed) the letter. 4. I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week. I hope it (will not change, would not change) for the worse. 5. I knew that he (is, was) a very clever man. 6.1 want to know what he (has bought, had bought) for her birthday.
    Упр. 8. Употребите следующие предложения как придаточные дополнительные, в роли главных используя предложения, данные к скобках. Сдвигайте времена в соответствии c правилом согласования времен.
    1. He works at his English hard. (I knew). 2. She dances better than anybody else (I was told). 3. My cousin has received a very interesting offer from his firm. (I learnt). 4. She will come to stay with us. (My aunt wrote in her letter). 5. He is painting a new picture. (We heard).
    9. Трансформируйте прямую речь в косвенную.
    1. "My friend lives in Moscow," said Alec. 2. "You have not done your work well," said the teacher to me. 3. The poor man said to the rich man: "My horse is wild. It can kill your horse." 4. The rich man said to the judge: "This man's horse has killed my horse." 5. "This man spoke to me on the road," said the woman. 6. "I can't explain this rule to you," said my classmate to me, 7. The teacher said to the class: "We shall discuss this subject tomorrow."
    Упр. 10. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме сослагательного наклонения.
    1. If my sister does not go to the south, we (to spend) the summer in St Petersburg togeth-er. 2. If they (not to go) to Moscow last year, they would not have heard that famous musician. 3. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I should certainly have told her all about it. 4. If you (to do) you morning exercises every day, your health would be much better. 5. If he is not very busy, he (to agree) to go to the museum with us. 6. If I (not to be) present at the lesson, I should not have un-der stood this difficult rule. 7. If he reads fifty page every day, his vocabulary (to increase) great-ly.
    Упр. 11. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
    1.    У тебя есть несколько карандашей? 2. Он сказал, что я когда-то хорошо играл в теннис. 3. Мы приедем в Москву к дню рождения. 4. В чашке мало молока. 5. Где Миша? - Он с утра делает домашнюю работу. 6. Друг моего брата сегодня утром уехал в Америку. 7. Ему хотелось остаться дома с маленькой сестрой. 8. Дику нравятся ее глаза. 9. Недавно он вставал в 7 часов, а сейчас встает в 8.30. Он поменял работу. 10. Следующим летом Ник с семьей поедет на Черное море. 11. Кто написал завещание? 12. Вчера Том и Моника пошли в зоопарк.
    1.    Прочитайте текст.
    2.    Переведите текст на русский язык, при переводе пользуйтесь англо¬русским сло-варем.
    3.    Прочитайте текст еще раз, письменно по-английски ответьте на вопросы, сле-дующие за текстом.
    4.    Найдите и выпишите из текста предложения, определяющие его основную идею.
    5.    Выпишите из текста глагольные формы, укажите время и залог (не более 10).
    6.    Выпишите из текста существительные в единственном числе, поставьте их во множественное число (не более 6).
    7.    Выпишите из текста местоимения, укажите их разряд (личное, притяжательное, неопределенное и т.д.).
    8.    Выпишите из текста все сложноподчиненные предложения.
    9.    Поставьте вопросы к выделенным в предложениях словам или словосочетаниям.
    10.    Дайте предложениям последнего абзаца отрицательную форму.
    11.    Преобразуйте предложения под номерами 1, 2, 3, 4 из активного залога в пас-сивный.
    Most American families consist of a mother, a father, and three or four children liv-ing at home. There may be relatives - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws in the same community, but American families usually maintain separate households (1). This familial structure is known as the "nuclear family." It is unusual for members of the family other than the husband, wife, and children to live together. Occasionally an aging grand-parent may live with the family, but this arrangement is usually not considered desirable.
    Although the nuclear family unit is economically independent of the rest of the family (2), members of the whole family group often maintain close kinship ties. Visit-ing between parents and their married children and between married sisters and brothers is fre-quent when they live close to each other. If they live in different communities, they keep in touch by writing letters and by telephone (3).
    In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision making. When the children are old enough, they participate as well (4). Foreign observers are fre-quently amazed by the permissiveness of American parents. The old rule that "children should be seen and not heard" is rarely followed,' and children are often allowed to do what they wish without strict parental control.
    The father seldom expects his children to obey him without question, and children are encouraged to be independent at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom too far. Young people are expected to break away from their parental families by the time they have reached their late teens or early twenties. Indeed, not to do so is often regard-ed as a failure, a kind of weak dependence.
    1)    What do most American families consist of?
    2)    American families usually maintain separate households, don’t they?
    3)    Wh ere does an aging grandparent live?
    4)    What is frequent between parents and their married children and between married sis-ters and brothers?
    5)    How do the families keep in touch by if they don’t live together?
    6)    The father often expects his children to obey him without question, doesn’t he?
    7)    What is the old rule in the family?
    8)    How do the husband and wife usually take an important decision?
    9)    What are foreign observers frequently amazed by?
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    olga_1309 Спасибо большое, быстро выполнена работа.  
    Egor_196 Подвел исполнитель. Работу не прислал. Кормит обещаниями. Зря потраченное время    
    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
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