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    Контрольная работа №2. Вариант 3

    1. Translate the text:
    Kaliningrad State Marine Port
    Historically the Kaliningrad State Marine Port serviced the Russian fishing fleets of the Baltic, North Sea and North Atlantic.
    The fleet consisted of a variety of fishing vessels which included factory-ships, fishing trawlers and seiners, auxiliary ships.
    The port also serviced a large transport fleet which catered for Russia's imports and exports.
    In recent times many things have been changed which in turn have changed the function of the port of Kaliningrad.
    Fishing stocks have failed due to overfishing in the North Atlantic and North Sea.
    This has caused the fishing industry to decline which in turn caused a decline in the fishing services at Kaliningrad port.
    This situation was complicated by the recession caused by the collapse of the former USSR which has continued in the current Russian Federation.
    The managers of the Kaliningrad State Marine Port were compelled to draw up plans for the revitalization of the port.
    They succeeded in maintaining large volumes of port activity which kept jobs in place.
    Kaliningrad Port is in a unique location in the centre of Europe and is Russia's most important ice-free port in the Baltic.
    The original port of Kaliningrad was the old port of Konigsberg which had only one quay of 90 metres.
    Now it is a major international port.
    Until 1952 port operations were carried out only during the fishing season.
    The total average tonnage was nearly 41,000 tonnes.
    Up to that time mechanization at the port was basic and transshipments were off-loaded to trucks for road transport to various inland destinations.
    Owing to the huge fishing operations in the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean and the increase of the tonnage of ships using the port, the port authorities had to construct deep water wharves and quays.
    The increased port activities demanded many new facilities like cold storage, warehouses, workshops, a railway depot, a power station, a radio-centre and administrative offices.
    In 1970 the port area was extended to 120 hectares to accommodate the modern facilities at the port.
    Nowadays the port has become a very busy place, carrying out a huge variety of port activities like loading and unloading operations, the transport and storage of fuel oils, the provision of clean water, the management and transportation of ammonia, the provision of navigational and fish-finding aids, a diving survey service of ship's hulls, the checking and correction of navigational charts and the provision and maintenance of security and rescue services at sea.
    Our port is a home port of famous tall ship the "Kruzenstern" where hundreds of cadets have their practice and visit different Russian and European part.
    2. Answer the following questions:

    1. What fishing fleets did the Kaliningrad State Marine Port service?
    2. What fishing vessels did the fleet consist of?
    3. What was complicated situation of the port of 1990s caused by?
    4. What were the managers of the Kaliningrad State Marine Port compel for the port revitalization?
    5. What is a location of Kaliningrad port?  
    6. Is the Kaliningrad State Marine Port ice-free?
    7. How many quays did the old port of Konigsberg have?
    8. What were the reasons of deep water wharves and quays construction in the port?
    9. What did the increased port activities of 1970s demand?
    10. What main modern port activities are carried out nowadays?
    3. Agree or disagree with the statements. Use the following phrases: Yes, it's true. I agree with the statement. Or: No, it's not true. I disagree.

    1. Historically the Kaliningrad State Marine Port serviced the Russian fishing fleets of the Baltic, North Sea and North Atlantic.
    2. The fleet consisted of a variety of tall ships which included barks, schooners.
    3. Kaliningrad port is in a unique location in the center of Russia.
    4. Kaliningrad port is frozen during winter period.
    5. Until 1952 port operations were carried out only during the fishing season.
    6. The original port of Konigsberg had only two quays of 50 metres each.
    7. The increased port activities demanded many new facilities like cold storage, warehouses, workshops, a railway depot, a power station, a radio-centre and administrative offices.
    8. In 1970s the port area was extended to 200 hectars to accommodate the modem facilities at the port.
    4. Please, put all types of questions (general, special, alternative, disjunctive) to the following sentences:

    1. Historically the Kaliningrad State Marine Port serviced the Russian fishing fleets of the Baltic, North Sea and North Atlantic.
    2. In recent times many things have changed the function of the port of Kaliningrad.
    3. This situation was caused by the collapse of the former USSR.
    4. The managers of the Kaliningrad State Marine Port were compelled to draw up plans for the revitalization of the port.
    5. In 1970 the port area was extended to 120 hectares to accommodate the modern facilities at the port.
    6. Nowadays the port has become a very busy place.
    5. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
    1. English is spoken in many countries of the world.
    2. The damage of the goods was caused by heavy weather.
    3. These cargoes will be transported by your bulker.
    4. The Russian Federation is washed by 13 seas.
    5. My car is being serviced by the garage.
    6. Our main engine had been already repaired by our chief engineer by the time your vessel called in this port.
    7. Butter is made of milk.
    8. At the moment our chief stevedore is being questioned about 3 stolen bales of calico.
    9. We are sure that your problem can be settled in the Court.
    10. Could you open the window, please.
    6. Translate the following sentences into English.
    1. Фильм «Веселые ребята» был снят Александровым.
    2. В данный момент моториста Иванова допрашивают об аварии.
    3. Когда я спустился в трюм, весь ящичный груз был сдвинут.
    4. Когда шипшандлер поднялся на борт судна, заказ на провизию и напитки уже был составлен вторым помощником капитана.
    5. Сообщение о погоде было получено радистом до того, как судно вышло в море.
    6. Наше судно было взято на буксир и пришвартовано у 25-го причала в порту Калининград.
    7. Как только гидрокостюмы были надеты, все спасательные плоты и шлюпки были спущены на воду.
    8. Четырехмачтовый барк был спущен на воду в 1926 году и назван «Падулей».
    9. На занятиях по английскому языку будущих штурманов просят переводить фразы и предложения с английского на русский и наоборот.
    10. Канада была открыта Жаком Картье.
    7. Translate into Russian:
    1. I'd like you to order these tasty French dishes.
    2. We didn't expect to win at the 22nd winter Olympic games in Sochi.
    3. I wanted this question to be settled.
    4. We'd like our captain to tell us about his most interesting and extraordinary voyages.
    5. We want the cargo to be properly stowed and fastened.
    6. He proved to be a good sailor.
    7. I'd like our vessel to moor at the port of London.
    8. They want this order to be paid in full.
    9. I want you to visit your granny and bring her pies and honey.
    10. All our sailors want the vessel to be repaired straight in the dry dock.
    8. Complete the sentences using may (might), should, can (could) or to be able to, must, have to, don't have to:
    1. Yesterday Irene felt ill suddenly and we ______ to call a doctor.
    2. You can tell me if you want but you ______ tell me.
    3. Every young man of military age ______ defend Motherland.
    4. Children under the age of 12  ______ visit this pool only with accompaniment of adults.
    5. Be careful: you ______ burn your fingers if you don't put out the candle.
    6. Under the contract the new-ice-breaker ______ be built at your shipyard.
    7. Jack ______ learn to repair a transmitter this month.
    8. After watch every sailor ______ go ashore.
    9. I ______to speak English well when I graduate from the college.
    10. We ______ operate this equipment because it is out of order.
    9. Translate into English using the rules of the sequence of tenses:
    1. Старший стивидор сказал, что матросы укладывают и закрепляют грузы в трюме № 5 и № 6.
    2. Я был уверен, что капитан уже получил это сообщение о надвигающемся урагане.
    3. Мне рассказали, что они провели свой отпуск в Крыму.
    4. Я думал, что Ник собирается поступать в морской колледж.
    5. Мы думали, что наша морская практика начнется в июле.
    6. Джек сказал нам, что он учится на судоводительском факультете.
    7. Я надеялся, что книга будет интересной.
    8. На недавней пресс-конференции начальник Дальневосточного пароходства сказал, что в настоящее время пароходство придает большое значение развитию порта Восточный.
    9. Он добавил, что в будущем этот порт будет крупнейшим в России.
    10. В заключение он подчеркнул, что пароходство уже значительно увеличилось и успешно конкурирует на фрахтовом рынке.
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    Горящие заказы
    СРОЧНО 010110 Термех задача К2 Вариант 1
    olga_1309 Спасибо большое, быстро выполнена работа.  
    Egor_196 Подвел исполнитель. Работу не прислал. Кормит обещаниями. Зря потраченное время    
    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
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