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    Контрольная работа №3. Вариант 2

    I. Прочитайте тексты, устно переведите и письменно выполните зада-ния после текстов.

    Loratadine is a long-acting antihistamine that is used for the treatment of aller-gy.
    Forms: tablets: 10 mg., disintegrating tablets: 5 and 10 mg., chewable tab-lets: 10 mg., syrup: 5 mg/5 ml. Loratadine is available as tablets, oral suspen-sion and syrup. Also available are quick-dissolving tablets, which are marketed as being faster to get into one's circulatory system but which require special handling to avoid degrading in the package.
    Pharmacokinetics. Loratadine is given orally, is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Loratadine's peak effect occurs in 1–2 hours, and its bio-logical half-life is on average 8 hours with its metabolite's half-life being 28 hours. Traces of unmetabolised loratadine can be found in the urine. Oral Lo-ratadine is easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and can take effect in under two hours. Treatment with 10 milligrams (mg) of Loratadine can allevi-ate symptoms such as sneezing, nasal itching, discharge and blockage.
    Indications. Loratadine is indicated for the symptomatic relief of allergy such as hay fever (allergic rhinitis), urticaria (hives), and other skin allergies. The "nonsedating antihistamines", specifically Loratadine and Fexofenadine have been identified as the most commonly prescribed drugs in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in individuals over 12 years old. Loratadine is known to be effective for both nasal and eye symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, itchy or burning eyes.
    Mode of action. Loratadine is a tricyclic antihistamine, which selectively antagonizes peripheral histamine H receptors. Histamine is supposed to be re-sponsible for many features of allergic reactions. Histamine is a chemical that causes many signs and symptoms of allergy. Histamine is released from hista-mine-storing cells (most cells) and attaches to other cells that have receptors for histamine on their surfaces. Histamine stimulates the cells to release chemi-cals that produce effects that we associate with allergy. Unlike some antihista-mines, loratadinedoes not enter the brain from the blood and, therefore, does not cause drowsiness when taken at recommended doses.
    Dosage. The usual dose of loratadine is 10 mg daily for adults and chil-dren older than six years of age.  
    Side-effects. As a non-sedating antihistamine, loratadine causes less seda-tion than the older antihistamines because it penetrates the blood brain barrier only to a slight extent. Although drowsiness is rare at the common 10 mg dose, patients should nevertheless be advised that it can occur and may affect per-formance of skilled tasks (e.g. driving); excess alcohol should be avoided.
    Most common side-effects. Drowsiness, headache, psychomotor impair-ment,  urinary retention, dry mouth, blurred vision, and gastrointestinal dis-turbances are the most common side effects.
    Cautions and contraindications. Loratadine should be used with caution in hepatic disease and dose reduction may be necessary in renal impairment, nursing mothers. Caution may be required in epilepsy.
    Children and the elderly are more susceptible to side-effects.
    Antihistamines can interact with other drugs. Antihistamines are often combined with decongestants and/or pain relievers.
    The recommended dosage of  Loratadine does not cause drowsiness, but patients treated with between 20 to 40 mg may feel sleepy. It interacts with the antifungal drug ketoconazole, but it may not interact with any other drugs.
    Pregnancy. There are no adequate studies of loratadine in pregnant wom-en. Loratidine should be used during pregnancy only if it is clearly needed.
    Nursing mothers.Loratadine is secreted in breast milk at levels similar to blood levels. Nursing mothers should decide whether to stop breastfeeding or discontinue loratadine.
    Storage. Tablets should be stored between 2°-30°C and syrup should be stored between 2°-25°C.

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    II.Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант окончания пред-ложения (см. образец № 1).
    1. Loratadine is … .
    a) antibiotic
    b) analgesic
    c) antitussive
    d) diuretic
    e) antihistamine

    2. Loratadine  is indicated for …
    a) toothache
    b) nasal and eye symptoms
    c) postoperative pain
    d) skin allergies
    e) diabetes mellitus

    3. Loratadine is contraindicated in …    .
    a) concomitant treatment with anticoagulants
    b) state of shock
    c) patients with psoriasis
    d) hepatic, or renal impairment
    e) very low blood pressure

    4. Loratadine has following side effects … .
    a) diarrhea
    b) tachycardia
    c) drowsiness, urinary retention
    d) vertigo
    e) tinnitus

    5. Loratadine is produced in ... .
    a) mixture
    b) tincture
    c) ointment
    d) tablets, syrup
    c) powder

    III.Заполните правую колонку таблицы соответствующей информаци-ей о «Лоратадине» на русском языке (см. образец  № 2).

    1. Название препарата    1. Лоратадин
    2. Свойства    2.
    3. Показания к применению    3.
    4. Способ применения и дозы    4.
    5. Противопоказания    5.
    6. Побочное действие    6.
    7. Форма выпуска    7.

    IV. Определите к каким разделам аннотации (A) относятся слова и словосочетания из части (B) (см. образец № 1).

    1) Caution and contraindications

    2) Mode of action

    3) Pharmacokinetics
        a). to give orally  
        b) to associate with allergy  
        c) hepatic  disease    
        d) renal impairment  
        e) to cause drowsiness  
        f) to stimulate the cells  
        g) dose reduction    
        h) to release chemicals
        i) to produce effects  
        j) the recommended dose  
        k) children and elderly  
        l) tricyclic antihistamines  
        m) to enter the brain    
        n) caution  

    V. Образуйте словосочетания из слов колонок А и В. Словосочетания переведите (см. образец выполнения № 1).
    1. treatment of    
    2. health  
    3. to make available  
    4. to alleviate
    5. to interact with  
    6. elderly    
    7. to  prevent
    8. to experience  
    9. abdominal        a) other drugs
    b) motion sickness
    c) problems
    d) patients
    e) over-the -counter
    f) side effects
    i) symptoms
    g) pain
    h) allergic rhinitis

    VI. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки согласно образцу (см. обра-зец  № 1).
    a) over-the-counter b) orally c) runny nose d) available

    1. The medicine is given … .
    2. The preparation is … in different medicinal forms.
    3. Cetirizine is indicated as …drug .
    4. Is Loratadine indicated for … ?

    VII. Составьте предложения (утвердительное/повелительное /отрицательное / вопросительное) из слов, расставив цифры в нужном порядке (см. образец  № 3).
    a) if1 / the doctor2 / inform3 / are4 / you 5 / pregnant6
    b) you1 / take2 / this3 / medicine4 / allergy5 / do6 / for7?
    c) the medicine1 / for2 / is3 / toothache 4 / used5 / not6

    VIII. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения с русского языка на английский. Проверьте себя по тексту аннотации.
    1. Лоратадин не вызывает сонливости при приеме рекомендованной дозы.
    2. Лоратадин следует использовать с предосторожностью при заболева-ниях печени.
    3. Дети и пожилые более чувствительны к побочным эффектам ряда ле-карств.
    4. Лоратадин следует использовать при беременности в случае острой необходимости.
    5. Сонливость и желудочно-кишечные расстройства - самые распростра-ненные побочные эффекты.

    IX. Перепишите предложения. Определите, чем является выделенное слово: a) Infinitive, b) Participle I, c) Participle II, d) Gerund. Предложения переведите (см. образец №4).
    1. In patients receiving concomitant treatment with glucocorticoids, it is pref-erable to prescribe this diuretic.
    2. Caution is indicated when employing this drug in patients with renal insuffi-ciency.
    3. Early weaning during lactation is considered in case of regular high doses.
    4. If the preparation rubbed tolerated well its regular application is started.

    X. Перепишите предложения с субъектным инфинитивным оборотом («сложным подлежащим»), оборот подчеркните. Предложения переве-дите.  
    1. These effects are less likely to occur with the synthetic derivatives except when used in large doses.
    2. Side effects are unlikely to occur even after prolonged use.

    XI. Выпишите из текстов два предложения с субъектным инфинитив-ным оборотом («сложным подлежащим»), оборот подчеркните. Пред-ложения переведите.

    XII. Перепишите и письменно переведите существительные с левым определением.  
    1) machine operation skills
    2) allergy symptom relief
    3) skin allergy tests
    4) the first-generation antihistamines investigation

    XIII. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните причастие II. Укажите функцию причастия II в предложении: a) определение (отвечает на во-прос «какой?»), b) обстоятельство (отвечает на вопрос «когда? при каких условиях?»), c) часть сказуемого. Переведите предложения.  

    1. If stored at the refrigerator the drug will not spoil.
    2. Antihistamines are often combined with pain relievers.
    3. The recommended dosage of the medicine will not cause drowsiness.

    XIV. Письменно переведите предложения, используя субъектный ин-финитивный оборот.

    1. Известно, что антигистаминные средства облегчают симптомы сенной лихорадки.
    2. По всей вероятности, антигистаминные средства второго поколения бу-дут вызывать меньше побочных эффектов.
    3. Более высокая доза этого лекарства, вероятно, вызовет сонливость.
    4. Несомненно, что дети и пожилые в большей степени подвержены воз-действию побочных эффектов.
    5. Оказывается, Лоратадин не поступает из крови в мозг.

    XV. Перефразируйте предложения, используя сложное подлежащее
    (см. образец 7).
    1. It is supposed that histamine is responsible for many features of allergic re-action.
    2. It is certain that children and elderly are more susceptible to side-effects.
    3. It is unlikely that the recommended dosage of Loratadine will cause drowsi-ness.
    4. It has been proved that Loratadine does not enter the brain from the blood.
    5. It has been known that Loratadine is effective for both nasal and eye symp-toms.

    XVI. Измените следующие предложения, используя страдательный за-лог (см. образец 8).
    1. The patients will have taken the medicine before the doctor’s rounds.
    2. The chemists must know the adverse effects of different medicines.
    3. One should measure the plasma salicylate, although this alone cannot de-termine the severity of poisoning, and one must take the clinical and biochemi-cal features into account.
    4. These symptoms have indicated a serious illness.
    5. Clinicians had made a series of pre-clinical tests before the National Health Service approved the medicine.

    XVII. Выберите предложения, в которых присутствует самостоятель-ный причастный оборот, и переведите их (см. образец 1).

    a. Having heard three reports we found the first to be the most interesting.
    b. We heard three reports, the first being the most interesting.
    c. After hearing three reports we found the first to be the most interesting.
    d. Three reports having been heard, we found the first to be the most interest-ing.
    e. We heard three reports and found the first to be the most interesting.
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