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    Контрольная работа. Вариант 4

    I. Complete the sentences (1-6) with the most suitable prepositions (a-d).
    1. I deal ...........a lot of people in the company and with our customers.
    a) --    b) in    c) with    d) at

    2. The government wants to help business .......our area to grow.
    a) with    b) in    c) at    d) of

    3. I now have a better idea ..........managerial work in general.
    a) of    b) at    c) about    d) for

    4. Coordination ..........production and design is my responsibility.
    a) among    b) in    c) of    d) between

    5. Big corporations are less flexible so it's difficult .........them to adopt new changes or be creative and innovative.
    a) to    b) for    c) about    d) of

    6. In the modern world it is normal for companies to do projects ...........other countries.
    a) about    b) at    c) by    d) in
    II. Complete the sentences with a) a, b) an, c) the, d) no article.
    1. Jonathan has demonstrated enormous practicality in his successful management of ........ shop.
    2. They have........very old-fashioned management structure.
    3. ......... government is trying to restore public confidence in its management of the economy.
    4. The company has suffered from several years of........ bad management.
    5. We shall be implementing.......... new management structure in order to deal with the changed sales environment.
    III. Match the words (1-10) with their definitions (a-j).
    1. decision-making    a) to give something to someone as their share of a total amount to use in a particular way
    2. innovation    b) relating to managers or management
    3. to allocate    c) a result, level, or situation that an organization or group wants or plans to achieve
    4. managerial    d) a new idea, design, product, etc.
    5. target    e) the group of people who shareholders choose to manage a company or organization
    6. performance    f) the process of making choices, especially important choices
    7. board of directors    g) something that you are planning to do or achieve
    8. objectives    h) a set of actions that are intended to achieve a specific aim
    9. plan    i) the process or fact of giving someone a higher or more important job
    10. promotion    j) how successful an investment, company, etc, is and how much profit it makes
    IV. Complete the sentences (1-10) with the words (a-j).

    a) performance b) board of directors c) to allocate d) promotion e) plan

    f) decision-making g) innovations h) objectives i) managerial j) targets

    1. Managers have to decide how best to ........ the human, physical, and capital resources.
    2. Managers – logically – have to make sure that the jobs and tasks given to their subordinates are .........
    3. There is no point in setting ........ if you don't communicate them to your staff.
    4. Managers have to supervise their subordinates, and to measure, and try to improve their .......
    5. Managers have to check whether objectives and ........are being achieved.
    6. A top manager whose performance is unsatisfactory can be dismissed by the company's ........
    7. Top managers are responsible for the ........that will allow a company to adopt to a changing world.
    8. Managers make decisions about pay and..........
    9. The basis of financial management is a financial ........
    10. Today, business, government, and other organizations depend on computers to process data and to make information available for......
    V . Match the words (1-10) to the correct definition (a-j) to make up sentences.

    1. Knowing how to handle difficult situations requires     a) poor management.
    2. Very often poor quality service is the result of     b) developing new products.
    3. The right management is the most important factor     c) its customers and suffer great losses.
    4. The restaurant owner decided to hire a new management team     d) is essential.
    5. The commercial future of the company     e) looks very promising.
    6. Experience of managing a modern production plant     f) qualified personnel.
    7. Inexperienced and inefficient managers must do their best to
    improve     g) to help with the running of the newest diner.
    8. Our programmers identified what they thought the problem was     h) their professional skills.
    9. If a company does not satisfy people's needs, it will lose     i) with the software.
    10. The company is concentrating on     j) in determining success.
    VI. Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences.
    1. we, customers, the, quality, We, improve, to, constantly, seek, to, service, of, give, our
    2. suffered, has, The, from, company, years, several, of, management, bad
    3. public, government, The, trying, is, public, to, confidence, restore, in, the, its, management, of
    4. manager, good, for, Organizational, a, ability, an, attribute , is, essential
    5. skills, your, help, you, Improving, computer, can, work, find, higher-paid
    VII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

    1. Business environments and strategies are constantly changing in response to__________ and financial variables. ECONOMY
    2. Employees worry that saying 'no' to the boss decreases their chances of __________ and promotion. ADVANCE
    3. We've been quite __________ in setting up incentive schemes; employees are very enthusiastic about them. SUCCESS
    4. Working as a team will enable us to__________ things we never could alone. ACHIEVEMENT
    5. Marketing on social networking sites is a fast-growing part of the online __________ business. ADVERTISE
    VIII. Read and translate the text. Write down your translation of the first paragraph.
    E-Commerce Businesses
    1. E-commerce has brought much change in business. It has enabled businesses to connect with each other in a new way of thinking in every area of commerce. The turnover from usual business to e-commerce has anticipated exceeding far then expected. Many companies nowadays using e-commerce had successfully gained more profit in their business. Most of these companies also have good strategies in planning their business that enables them to success.
    2. Fine method and strategy can lead companies to success. They are several ways that has been listed as strategic moves to led companies to success.
    Well-Positioned Online Brand. The companies must choose the market able brand name for their website. A brand name will draw customers to the company’s website and can help assure customers about the quality of the offering, the accuracy of the information, can promote customer loyalty and the security of the web transactions.
    Online-Friendly Offerings. It is about the selection and diversity of the company product. The diversity is important because it allows customers to control the product choices and at the same time it can built customers loyalty.
    Reliable Customers Service. It is to inspiring loyalty among customers. For the company to success the customer must trust the company and its website. Trust can be built through assurance of privacy and transaction security and by providing accurate information.
    Right Business Planning. It is to acquire funding, nonfinancial resources and to obtain a realistic approach to the business.
    3. There are many elements that guide e-commerce strategies to success. Full integration, partial corporate integration, and business unit integration all have positive aspects as strategies for e-commerce. Companies must also carefully coordinate new online services to enhance and protect their brand. In implementing and formulating e-commerce strategy throughout company operations, they must include Multi-channel coordination as the key success factor. Successful e-commerce strategy must include special attention to customer service as it is a core component of the company strategy.
    IX. Decide whether the following statements are a) true, b) false or c) information is not available in the text.
    1. A brand name will make customers notice the company’s website and can guarantee customers the quality of the offering and the inaccuracy of the information.
    2. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail.
    3. Companies must also carefully bring together new online services to improve and protect their brand.
    X. Listen to the text "Managing Conflict"
    using http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/professionals-podcasts/managing conflict and decide if the following statements are true or false.
    1. Gavin wants to change the way he works.
    a) true b) false
    2. Craig thinks that Gavin's personality is the problem.
    a) true b) false
    3. Craig thinks being tolerant of change won't be difficult.
    a) true b) false
    4. Mike wants Gavin and Craig to be less rude about each other.
    a) true b) false
    5. Mike thinks that changing people's roles and responsibilities will help the situation.
    a) true b) false
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    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
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