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    НГУЭУ вариант 4 When the companies need

    Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления «НИНХ Вариант 4
    I. Выберите правильный вариант. Выбранный вами вариант внесите в лист ответов.
    1. Potentially, Europe is the most interesting. Economic _____________there last year was slightly better than the US and it's still gathering steam.
    a) literature b) growth c) conferences
    2. Looking ahead, investors can expect ongoing ___________ amid high levels of local and global uncertainty.
    a) change b) volatility c) development
    3. First, our investment managers need to engage companies on their ___________ plans and encourage investment for growth, which will result in better ratings.
    a) long-term b) interesting c) unsuccessful
    4. An underlying pillar in his personal philosophy is that time in the _________________is more important than timing the market.
    a) a use b) data c) market 5. Typically, pensions or similar ________________would find their way into a Regulation 28 balanced fund. But extending beyond that is considerably more intricate. a) banks b) savings c) interests
    II. Выберите слова, подходящее по смыслу к данным предложениям. Выбранный вами вариант внесите в лист ответов.
    a) redundant b) the cost of living c) a consignment d) diminished e) covering letter
    6. He sent a__________________ with his curriculum vitae, explaining why he wanted the job. 7. We are expecting _________________of cars from Japan. 8. The decrease in the prices of consumer goods is reflected in the fall in________________.
    9. Our share of the market has _____________over the last few years 10. As a result of cost-cutting, we have had to make three secretaries___________________.
    III. Подберите данным словам соответствующее определение. Выбранный вами вариант внесите в лист ответов
    11. surplus a) trade between nations without restrictions or fees. 12. free trade b) a company or business entity that has the highest profit or the highest market share 13. promotion c) the a document that shows money was exchanged for a product 14. industry leader d) a campaign to attract consumers’ attention by selling your product at a cheaper price than usual 15. receipt e) a group of materials which you bought, but you not do not need
    IV. Измените данное вам слово, вставьте в предложение. Выбранный вами вариант внесите в лист ответов.
    16. Notes and coins had ________________ because the government promised to change them for valuable metal like gold or silver. VALUABLE
    17. Advice and _______________: you’ll find that it’s worth booking your ticket for longer distance journeys in advance, as this can help save even more money. INFORM 18. In the public mind, globalisation and multinational corporations are closely ________________. RELATION
    19. If multinational car____________ want to use the same lights in cars which are being built in different countries, then light manufacturers must become multinational, too.
    20. I think, they will not be able to compete in the global economy. COMPETITION
    V. Выберите соответствующую грамматическую форму английского глагола. Выбранный вами вариант внесите в лист ответов.
    21. I have written about this before - that nasty, tiny little share you own because you hope one day _______________ rocket to the moon and make you fabulously rich.
    a) it'll b) it did c) it was
    22. This question can actually be taken a bit further, by rather asking whether growth shares as a whole haven't ____________ too much over such a relatively short period.
    a) grow b) growing c) grown
    23. According to my sources there, it's very slightly ___________________.
    a) overvalued b) overvalue c) overvaluing
    24. The company ___________ on track but now that we have three fishing stocks to invest into
    a) seem b) seems c) seeming
    25. Stock markets _________________ higher today than they were 10, 20 or 50 years ago.
    a) trades b) are trading c) were traded
    26. The global economy ___________to grow by 3.5% this year, and emerging markets overall by 4.5%, according to forecasts from the International Monetary Fund published last month
    a) are I expected b) is expected c) is expecting
    27. There is _________________ for foreign exchange allowance clearance or Reserve Bank approval and no limits to the money which can be invested offshore
    a) no need b) interests c) funds
    28. The price depends on what ____________________to the rand-dollar exchange rate.
    a) happen b) happens c) happening
    29 At least 70% of the fund is___________ in investment grade (high-quality) bonds issued by governments, or are guaranteed by governments.
    a) invest b) investing c) invested
    30. There ________ a cost involved with converting your hands to a foreign-denominated currency.
    a) is b) were c) was to
    31. These days you __________ open a US dollar bank account electronically with a reputable international bank within five days.
    a) could b) was able to c) can
    32. Companies have also ___________ efforts to do away with traditional hierarchy and the stereotypical "corner office" and allow greater access to senior personnel, which is likely the result of millennials making up an increasing proportion of the workforce
    a) make b) made c) making
    VI. Выберите верный вариант. Выбранный вами вариант внесите в лист ответов.
    33. Tony is employing more staff ________________ he can expand his business. a) once b) so that c) yet
    34. Ally is in charge of the sales office, _______________ she finds challenging.
    a) which b) after c) before 35. Emma has booked a first-class ticket _______________ she can travel in comfort. a) until b) so that c) then 36. His parents are pleased with him he has passed his exams. a) later b) that’s why c) now that 37. ______________________ we left the house early, we still missed the bus.
    a) When b) However c) Although 38. ___________________________ she isn’t fond of classical music, she went to the concert.
    a) Even though b) While c) Until
    VII . Выберите правильную форму глагола. Выбранный вами вариант внесите в лист ответов.
    39. Most people__________ the union meeting if they had had longer notice of it.
    a) attend b) will attend c) would attend d) would have attended
    40. If London airport ______________ clear of fog we'll land there.
    a) was b) is c) will be d) would be 41. If I _______________ a big prize in a lottery I'd give up my job.
    a) win b) won c)had won d) would win
    42. It's a pity he never patented his invention. If he ____________ it he would have made a lot of money.
    a) patent b) would patent c) has patented d) had patented 43. She will be absolutely furious if she ______________________about this.
    a) heard b) hear c) hears d) would hear
    VIII. Прочитайте текст и определите верны ли приведенные ниже утверждения (А - верно; В - не верно). Выбранный вариант внесите в лист ответов.
    When companies need diplomats 1. You may recall a song released 23 years ago, by Fun Boy Three and Bananarama, called “T’aint What You Do, It’s The Way That You Do It”. Translated into a corporate motto, this means: it matters more to be able to engage and inspire those around you than to be a master strategist. Or, as Lou Gerstner famously declared at the start of his tenure at the then- troubled IBM: “The last thing that IBM needs right now is a vision.” Lately, big companies seem to be heeding this dictum in their choice of chief executives. Instead of hard-driving alpha males (and females) who come to their jobs like whirlwinds, vowing to shake го everything and everybody up, boards are turning to diplomats. The latest is Sir Howard Stringer, who was named chairman and chief executive of Sony on Monday. For a long time, Sir Howard’s uncertain role in his early days at Sony in the US and willingness to chat genially not only to Japanese executives but also to analysts, journalists and even passers-by led to him being written off as powerless. It turns out he was talking to the right people.
    2. His rise follows the elevation of Dick Parsons, whose previous role as vice-chairman included being an amiable front-man for Gerald Levin, at Time Warner, and the ascent of Chuck Prince, a sagely reassuring lawyer, at Citigroup. So these are good days for diplomats. But if a glad-hander wants to get the top job, he ought to work for a company with two traits: big and in trouble. When conglomerates such as Time Warner and Citigroup get into trouble, they need alternative medicine. Time Warner was in turmoil following its takeover by America Online, and was riven by infighting, when Mr Parsons was promoted. Citigroup was doing better financially but had to convince the office of the New York State Attorney General and its regulators that it could behave itself as well. Mr Prince is still working on that.
    3. In the MIT Sloan Management Review last year, Jay Conger and David Nadler drew a distinction between “content” and “context” corporate leaders. Content leaders are people who believe in strategy, the power of the right answer and “direction by declaration”. Context leaders emphasise values, culture, relationships and team work. 4. Nobuyuki Idei, former CEO of Sony, faced a choice between the two types in considering Sir Howard and Ken Kutaragi, the head of its PlayStation division, who has been openly critical of failures in other parts of the company. If he had been brave, he might have taken a bet on Mr Kutaragi. But it is hard to argue with Mr Idei’s instinct that Sony first needed a rejuvenating leader.
    5. Of course, the choice between a context and a content leader can be cyclical. If the first type is most effective in troubled organisations, the second may outperform when things are better. One reason for Mr Kutaragi to accept demotion from the board this week with good grace was that, if 63-year-old Sir Howard does a good job, his moment could come.
    6. But there will always be a place for a corporate diplomat when things have gone awry. Companies are comprised of human beings, not just ideas and strategies, and it helps when the person in charge knows it. As Fun Boy Three and Bananarama put it, that’s what gets results.
    44. Company management boards currently prefer to appoint managers who are diplomats rather than managers who approach their jobs with too much fire and thunder.
    45. The new CEO wants to shake up the whole Sony group.
    46. When Sir Howard began working for Sony in the US, it was not clear what his responsibilities were.
    47. Sir Howard has been able to develop a useful network of business acquaintances.
    48. Sony first needed a new leader.
    49. There must be done the choice between a context and a content leader.
    50. One reason for Mr Kutaragi to accept demotion from the board this week with good grace was that his moment could come.
    IX. Переведите письменно 2, 3, 4, абзацы текста.
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    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
    Nata0610 Давно сотрудничаю с Натальей. Всегда уверена в качестве работ, аккуратности оформления и сроках выполнения. Отдельная благодарность за готовность всегда прийти на помощь даже по специфическим заказам.  
    SiberianWolf Спасибо все вылнено в срок .  
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