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    ЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ ПРАКТИЧЕСКИХ ЗАНЯТИЙ Вид практического занятия: практическая работа
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    1. Прочитайте и переведите статью. Составьте по тексту 10 вопросительных предложений с ответами.
    Is TV Right for Your Personal Injury Practice?
    Personal injury law attorneys often ask us how much it would cost for them to advertise on TV. They, like the rest of us, are witness to the scores of commercials that inundate the airwaves touting scores of firms’ commitment to "fight for you” at virtually no risk to the client (i.e., "We get paid only if you do.”) Many of these firms are known for doing quite well. Hence, it is only reasonable that competitors express interest in duplicating their efforts.
    But the answer to the question regarding the efficacy of television in promoting the PI practice is not as simple as it may sound. There are a number of variables that must be considered, not the least of which is the overall philosophy of the firm towards consumer advertising in general. It is probably not an over stretch to state that, rightly or wrongly, the legal industry does not always enjoy the most favorable image among the general public. And within that industry, PI attorneys probably suffer the most in terms of negative perceptions regarding legal marketing. It is a hurdle PI firms must overcome, and those that do, usually have allocated great deals of financial resources towards the marketing function.
    There are many reasons not to seek new business via TV, among them the possibility of being labeled as just another "ambulance-chaser,” the potential of negatively impacting other areas of the multi-practice firm, and the probability that the firm will be besieged with a litany of frivolous and time-wasting cases.
    Yet despite these potential concerns, many firms do, in fact decide to pursue a television effort. The question then becomes, how does one determine an optimal level of spending. Clearly, one never wishes to spend too much. But spending too little, unfortunately, can be as, if not a greater mistake.
    That is because all kinds of research exist which suggest that it takes exposure to a multiplicity of messages before an individual is prompted towards action. When one considers that the hiring of a personal injury firm cannot be stimulated (vs. for example, a coupon offer on the latest deodorant stick), that frequency of exposure must be maintained for relatively long periods of time. Or to put it another way, individuals will

    not contract with a PI attorney, until they need one. And when they do need one, they will most likely sel ect one with which they’ve become familiar over time.
    This requirement of frequency can get pricey. Typically, new product roll-outs on TV require at least a frequency of 4+ over a 4-week period in order to make inroads into the market. Because of the nature of personal injury described above, an effective PI effort should maintain a frequency of around a 3+ - - provided the campaign airs over a reasonable length of time (i.e., at least 6 to 12 months). But even here, there are numerous issues to consider. The most critical of these is the level to which competitors are spending. If the market is dominated by one or two players who allocate $1 Million to their advertising, coming in with a $100,000 budget may be fool hearty - - even if frequency goals are reached. One doesn’t want to ever get drowned out. By losing the battle for "share of voice,” there is real risk is seeing little return on marketing investment. Unfortunately, getting a handle on how much competitors are spending may be difficult and/or expensive in itself to obtain. That being said, some simple observance of television commercial patterns can provide some indication as to who’s advertising and at relatively what kinds of levels.
    There are ways to get around the high "cost of entry” into the competitive television market, but they require considerable creativity on both the commercial production as well as media planning sides of the advertising process. In terms of developing a commercial, it is fair to say that there is a sameness to the commercials employed by personal injury firms. They all make the same claims and offer the same means for compensation. And they do so in the same style. Advertising agencies are always preaching the value in doing things a little differently and nowhere would this philosophy seem to make more sense than in the area of personal injury marketing. A unique commercial stands apart fr om the rest. That would seem to be a reasonable goal in and of itself, but it has a more practical application as well - - if it stands out, it also requires less frequency. And less frequency means purchasing a lighter schedule, thereby saving valuable funds.
    On the media planning side, the role of creativity cannot be ignored either. There are ways to make a media schedule seem bigger than it is. Pulsing the activity, for example, by running two weeks on and one week off, can still give the firm a significant presence throughout the year. Focusing the vast chunk of one’s dollars on just one network may lim it the total number of "eyeballs” reached, but at least do so at the threshold levels of frequency needed to "make a dent.” Similarly, if one can’t be a major player within a given geographical area ...picking another, smaller, more targeted area just makes good sense. With cable, satellite and other types of programming distribution systems available, law firms are able to target very tight geographies. Again, while the PI firm that employs such a tactic may not be reaching a lot of people, they may be dominating the airwaves among the people that do see their spots.
    So, how much is enough? A prototypical schedule that generates awareness in a major market can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of a year. That exact figure of course, will be a function of a number of elements of course including the size of the market itself, the availability of media inventory, and the per cent of the population the plan is seeking to reach.
    That kind of budget is beyond the reach of many personal injury practices. As mentioned, such firms still interested in television should explore schedules on more localized media outlets. Costs for a cable TV schedule are highly contingent on the size of the geographic zone being purchased. Depending on the market and the cable system, schedules can be bought that cover everything from an entire major market to partial market zones, and down to even individual areas within a specific county. Of course, while this may save the firm money in terms of out-of-pocket expenses, the limited viewership means that in some ways, the risk is actually greater. Firms seeking

    to go down this path should still expect to spend anywhere from $30,000 to $100,000 for a full year program.
    Does this suggest that the personal injury law firm with a limited budget should refrain fr om marketing? Hardly. But it does suggest that such firms may be wiser looking at alternative marketing tools and different marketing approaches to tout their wares... all fodder for another article on another day.
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    Annette Bowling
    15th Lane Avenue, Georgina Home: 00658-21589-98754 Cell: 00125-4587-9685 Email: annette.bowling@example.com
    Career Profile:
    A talented, skilled and qualified legal consultant with more than ten years of diverse experience in providing legal assistance to different corporate sector. Seeking a position as Legal Consultant to utilize my legal knowledge and skills in a reputed organization.
    Professional strengths:
    -    Possess excellent written and verbal communication skills
    -    Ability to analyze problems and generate solutions for the same
    -    In-depth knowledge of legal practices and procedures
    -    Ability to provide legal and negotiation services for different corporate clients
    -    Possess excellent management and organizational skills
    -    In-depth knowledge of drafting formal letters, legal notices and contracts
    -    Ability to generate strategic planning and work under pressure
    Professional Experience:
    ABC Network Associates, Georgina
    20XX till date Legal Consultant
    -    Handle the tasks of drafting various agreements like distribution agreements, software licenses, software demonstration agreements and service level agreements
    -    Responsible for negotiating with various legal departments on service and software agreements
    -    Handle the tasks of responding to customer queries on legal issues
    -    Drafting rental agreements, lease agreements
    -    Assist technical department in filing software patent applications
    -    Handle the tasks of filing annual returns and statutory forms online
    -    Responsible for filing case for breach of service contract and settlement
    Memphis Communications & Co, Georgina
    20XX to 20XX Legal consultant
    -    Responsible for providing legal advice to senior management team
    -    Assisted in the structuring and dealing negotiations with different vendors
    -    Handled the tasks of reviewing and drafting legal documents
    -    Worked cooperatively with outside legal advisors
    -    Advised corporate clients regarding transactions of business involving internal affairs

    -    Prepared business contracts, settled labor disputes and administered various legal matters
    -    Supervised and coordinated the activities of subordinates
    -    Gathered evidence, conducted research and interviewed clients as well as witnesses
    -    Responsible for reviewing record books and corporate documentation for corporate financing
    XYZ Communications, Georgina
    19XX to 20XX Legal Assistant
    -    Handled the tasks of providing administrative support for attorneys and contract administrators
    -    Responsible for preparing expenses statements and reconciled for the same
    -    Assigned the tasks of handling vendor invoices and outside counsel
    -    Prepared affidavits of corporate legal documents
    -    Maintained filing system and confidentiality of legal department
    -    Prepared audit letters for year-end audit of the organization
    -    Opened new insurance files and obtained insurance policies
    Educational Summary:
    -    Bachelor’s degree in Law, International Law College, Georgina 19XX
    -    Master’s degree in corporate Law, Georgina university, Law department 19XX
    Personal Details:
    -    Name: Annette Bowling
    -    Date of Birth: XX/XX/19XX
    -    Employment Status: Full time
    -    Relationship status: Married
    Will be furnished upon request
    affidavit - аффидевит, юридически заверенный документ
    annual return - годовой отчет, ежегодная декларация
    attorney - адвокат, поверенный, прокурор, чиновник органов юстиции
    audit letter - письмо о результатах аудита (для заинтересованных лиц и органов)
    contract administrator - администратор работ по контракту, руководитель
    подрядных работ
    drafting - составление, формулировка (документа, законопроекта)
    expenses statement - отчет о расходах
    file - папка, дело
    file a case - подавать иск
    file application - подавать заявление
    filing system - система подшивки и хранения документов
    formal letter - официальное письмо
    handle - управлять, управляться, иметь дело, заниматься in-depth knowledge - глубокие знания issue - здесь: вопрос, проблема Legal Assistant - помощник юриста

    legal consultant - консультант по юридическим вопросам, юрисконсульт
    legal department - юридический департамент, отдел, служба
    legal notice - официальное, предусмотренное законом, надлежащее уведомление
    legal practice - юридическая практика, правовой обычай, судебный обычай
    legal procedure - судебная процедура, судопроизводство
    online - по Интернет
    profile - профиль, краткий очерк, очертание, анкета reconcile - здесь: выверять, приводить в соответствие record book - книга регистрации, реестр
    reputed - имеющий добрую репутацию, известный, признанный
    settlement - выполнение расчетов, расплата, урегулирование задолженности
    skills - умения, навыки
    statutory form - официальная, установленная законом отчетная форма
    supervise - контролировать, надзирать, управлять
    work under pressure - работать по давлением, в стрессовых ситуациях

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    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
    Nata0610 Давно сотрудничаю с Натальей. Всегда уверена в качестве работ, аккуратности оформления и сроках выполнения. Отдельная благодарность за готовность всегда прийти на помощь даже по специфическим заказам.  
    SiberianWolf Спасибо все вылнено в срок .  
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