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    для пожарников текст Fireman упражнения

    Задание  Подчеркните в предложениях сказуемое, определите время и залог сказуемого (укажите в скобках) и переведите предложения на русский язык:

    1.    Fire alarms help warn people about fire danger.
    2.    Class C fires are effectively controlled by removing the oxygen.
    3.    Sprinklers and drenches are fixed fire protection installations.
    4.    The function of a breathing apparatus is to enable people to work in an atmosphere that doesn’t support life.
    5.    Class B fires are controlled with application of fire suppressants.
    6.    This fire alarm system meets all the modern requirements.
    7.    Fire departments are organized in a system of administration, services, training and operations.
    8.    Hazardous materials are usually kept far fr om a fire source.
    9.    Members of a fire brigade give first aid to the people who are injured or shocked.
    10.    The first automatic electric fire alarm was invented in 1890 by Fransis Robbins Upton.
    11.     Commercial smoke detectors are installed in 93% of  US homes and 85% of UK homes.
    12.    In small theatres a safety curtain is not usually required.
    13.    By 1883only about 10 factories in the US were protected by the Parmelee sprinklers.
    14.    The invention of a fire hydrant is generally credited to Frederick Graff, Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Water Work in 1800.
    15.    The modern development of industry has produced many hazardous materials which explode violently on contact with water.
    16.    Fire alarms help warn people about fire danger.
    17.    Sprinklers and drenches are fixed fire protection installations.
    18.    The function of a breathing apparatus is to enable people to work in an atmosphere that doesn’t support life.
    19.    This fire alarm system meets all the modern requirements.
    20.    Hazardous materials are usually kept far from a fire source.

    Задание  Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов
    1.    First you must study the laboratory instruction and only then you can begin the experiment.
    2.    We can produce heat by burning oil, gas or any other fuel.
    3.    You must put on safety gloves.
    4.    Firemen can extinguish a fire with the help of first aid appliances when it is small.
    5.    In some limited circumstances chlorine may support combustion.
    6.    The inert gas must be free of oxygen when it is used in fire extinction.
    7.    Fire spread in outside fire can be increased by wind.
    8.    Class "D" fires must be extinguished with carbon dioxide.
    9.    You must know how to use a breathing apparatus.
    10.    Open flame may cause heat of great intensity.
    11.    Each fire brigade must be provided with hose lines.
    12.     A reduction of the atmospheric oxygen content can reduce combustion by about a third.
    13.     A fireman must recognize and report the presence of dangerous substances and unsafe structures.
    14.    Any fire can burn faster by supplying more oxygen to it.
    15.    Combustion may supported by chlorine in some limited circumstances.
    Задание  Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод эквивалентов модальных глаголов
    1.    In the extinguishment of a fire the burning substance has to be cooled below its ignition temperature.
    2.    The officer in charge has to decide whether it is safe to attempt an emergency operation.
    3.    Gas and air mixtures will be able to burn only within certain limits.
    4.    At last firemen were allowed to open a building.
    5.    The chief of the fire brigade has to arrive at work at 6 o’clock.
    6.    All the students are allowed to make experiments in the laboratory.
    7.    You’ll have to do this work again.
    8.    Our laboratory will be able to launch a new program this month
    9.    Gas and air mixtures are able to burn only within certain limits.
    10.    At last firemen were allowed to open up a building.
    11.    The chief of the fire brigade was to arrive at 6 o’clock.
    12.    A fireman must be able to  respond  to an alarm during the time in 20 seconds.

    Задание  Подчеркните в предложениях инфинитивы. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.    To reduce the oxygen content some inert gases should be used.
    2.    It’s easier to prevent a fire than to extinguish it.
    3.    To use pumps to their maximum efficiency the fire fighter must have basic knowledge of hydraulics.
    4.    To extinguish a fire it is sufficient to reduce the oxygen content below a level that will support combustion.
    5.    We want him to use foam for causing the fire to go out.
    6.    Safety measures depend on the value of the object to be protected.
    7.    Ordinary combustible materials are to be distinguished by water in the form of jets  or sprays.
    8.    A supply of fresh air entering the burning room causes the room to burst into flames.
    9.    Before extinguishing a fire firefighters should decide which extinguishers to use.
    10.    A hand pump is used to extinguish a fire.

    А) Подчеркните в предложениях Объектный инфинитивный оборот, переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.    We want this article to show that progress in the American Fire service has been based on a series of historic catastrophes.
    2.    We want fire offices to have basic knowledge in all the fields of fire science.
    3.    They wanted the scientists to develop new extinguishing media dense and flexible at the same time.
    4.    We know this substance to be the best to cease the development of a fire.
    5.    We know this wetting agent to be the best one to interfere with flame propagation.

    В) Подчеркните в предложениях Субъектный инфинитивный оборот, переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.    Water is certain to be a good conductor of electricity.
    2.    The fire was reported to be extinguished by CO2 fire extinguishers.
    3.    A combustion leading to flame propagation is known to be a chain reaction.
    4.    Water is considered to be the most common extinguishing medium.
    5.    Modern dry powders are said to be as complex as vapourizing liquids.

    Задание Подчеркните в предложениях причастия. Переведите предложения на русский язык
    1.    Fire fighters extinguishing deep seated fires should be especially careful.
    2.    Being called too late the firemen couldn’t extinguish the fire quickly.
    3.    Having finished their work the firemen left the scene of the fire.
    4.    Having been translated in many languages the new classification of fires became known all over the world.
    5.    The range of skills required for the work of a fireman has no limits.
    6.    When cooled water becomes ice.
    7.    Extinguished in time the fire didn’t cause much damage.
    8.    Opening up a burning building a fireman must know for sure that some hose lines are ready to supply water.
    9.    The heat contained in the products of combustion should be sufficient to raise the temperature of the burning material to its ignition temperature.
    10.    Having been given the instruction in time he was ready to escape from the burning room.
    Задание  Подчеркните в предложениях герундий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.    Upon reaching the injectors, the fuel is mixed with the oxidizer.
    2.    By applying this method the firemen managed to extinguish the fire without increasing the potential loss.
    3.    In solving the problem of reducing the oxygen content in spacecraft cabin the Russian scientists have made the space flights less dangerous for cosmonauts.
    4.    The employees could extinguish the fire by the first aid appliances without calling a fire brigade.
    5.    The fireman displayed great skill in extinguishing the fire.
    6.    The chain reaction releases a lot of radiation which must be prevented from escaping into the atmosphere.
    7.    Efforts directed at depriving the fire of oxygen are called blanketing or smothering.
    8.    Back draft is dangerous to fireman engaged in opening up a burning building.
    9.    Before trying to extinguish a fire a fireman must decide which of the three factors he will remove.
    10.    Sometimes it is difficult to extinguish a fire without using large quantities of water.
    Задание  Переведите простые предложении на русский язык

    1.    Fire alarms help warn people about fire danger.
    2.    Sprinklers and drenches are fixed fire protection installations.
    3.    This fire alarm system meets all the modern requirements.
    4.    Hazardous materials are usually kept far from a fire source.
    5.    The substance will be heated to its ignition point during the experiment.
    6.    Three men were injured in a massive fire of the 20- storeyed building.
    7.    New sensitive detectors are recommended for the protection of the high-value equipment.
    8.    He was recognized as a firesetter.
    9.    The access to the seat of the fire was hindered by the collapse of the walls and the roof.
    10.     Firemen of the 19th century were called Johnies.
    11.    The first automatic electric fire alarm was invented in 1890 by Fransis Robbins Upton.
    12.     Commercial smoke detectors are installed in 93% of  US homes and 85% of UK homes.
    13.    In small theatres a safety curtain is not usually required.
    14.    By 1883only about 10 factories in the US were protected by the Parmelee sprinklers.
    15.    The invention of a fire hydrant is generally credited to Frederick Graff, Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Water Work in 1800.
    16.    Fire departments are organized in a system of administration, services, training and operations.
    17.    Class B fires are controlled with application of fire suppressants.
    18.    Class C fires are effectively controlled by removing the oxygen.
    19.    In the extinguishment of a fire the burning substance has to be cooled below its ignition temperature.
    20.    At last firemen were allowed to open a building.

    Задание  Определите к какому типу сложных предложений относятся следующие предложения (сложносочиненные, сложноподчиненные), переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.    The more you study special subjects, the better specialist in the field of fire science you’ll become.
    2.    Firemen can extinguish a fire with the help of first aid appliances when it is small.
    3.    The inert gas should be free of oxygen when it is used in fire extinction.
    4.    When the rate of combustion reaction is very slow only heat energy is evolved during the process.
    5.    When a gas – air mixture was heated to its ignition point it was dangerous to firemen to enter the burning building without breathing apparatus.
    6.    In some cases water can be used on electrical fires if electrical equipment is made electrically dead.
    7.    The fire was burning violently and there was nobody to extinguish it.
    8.    They have been involved in that crime and now they are to be punished for that.
    9.    If you explained the child the danger of a fire play he would be safer.
    10.    An industrial property may catch fire if someone carelessly throws a cigarette into a pile of trash.
    11.    Firefighter should wait at the entrance until the officer gives the permission to advance.
    12.    Precautions should be taken while making inspections in the basements or attics wh ere piles of combustible materials can be accumulated.
    13.    In the first phase the oxygen content in the air is not significantly reduced and the fire produces water vapour, carbon dioxide and other gases.
    14.    Water is the most common extinguishant because it is cheap and easily available.
    15.    Hose lines are of little value if they are not advanced to the seat of the fire during the initial attack.

    Итоговое задание - выполнить перевод текста по специальности.
    A fire service is not a career but a profession and a good fireman makes his
    work also his hobby. It is surprising how little the community knows about the
    fire service and the work of a fireman. It is not generally understood that the
    field of knowledge required  is far greater than that  of almost any other
    profession and includes mathematics, hydraulics, chemistry, English, building
    construction, plan drawing, legislation, fire service law, fire alarms, fixed fire protection installations including carbon dioxide, dry powder, sprinkler and
    chemical extinguishing agents . No longer can a fireman go into a building
    and use water indiscriminately. The modern development of industry has
    produced many hazardous materials which explode violently on contact with
    When a man decides he would like to join the fire service he may do so
    Either as a junior fireman or  as a probationary fireman. After an entrance
    examination and an interview an outline is given  about his work including  the
    hazardous duties and the need to deal with dead bodies or people badly
    injured .
    A fireman must  be able to  respond  to an alarm from any duty during the
    day time in 20 seconds which means he has tо  be on an appliance and leaving7
    the fire station in this time, and at night time from a rest period in 40 seconds.
    To accept  an order without question and to climb a ladder and enter   a
    burning   building which is on fire without thought for one's own safety stresses
    the need for strict discipline and outlines the need for team spirit.

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