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    Английский язык

    Grammar Progress Test 1a (Units 1–13)
    1    Change the sentences into negatives sentences or questions.
    0    It’s Thursday today. (question) Is it Thursday today?
    1    She is at home. (negative) ___________________________________________
    2    Anna is hungry. (question) __________________________________________
    3    This answer is wrong. (negative) _____________________________________
    4    Your sister works in the morning. (question) ____________________________
    5    Katy likes tennis. (negative) _________________________________________
    6    They watch T.V. in the afternoon. (negative) ____________________________
    7    They eat vegetables. (question) _______________________________________
    8    Mehmet drinks coffee. (question) _____________________________________
    9    We play basketball at the weekend. (negative) ___________________________
    10    George wants to go to the cinema. (question) ____________________________
    2    Underline the correct word in each sentence.
    0    Alice goes/go to school by bus.
    1    They is/are in the living-room.
    2    Harry and Peter works/work in Manchester.
    3    My uncle sings/sing in a rock group.
    4    Joe don’t/doesn’t like chocolate.
    5    Peter is/am Australian.
    6    I have/has a new CD.
    7    My cat is/are thirsty.
    8    Jane get up/gets up at 7 o’clock.
    9    The children often play/plays in the park.
    10    It rains/rain a lot in Dublin.

    3    Read the paragraph. Choose the best word for each space.
    My name (0)  B¬ David Jackson. I (1) ______ in an office in the city. I (2) ______ work at 9.00 and usually (3) ______ at 4.30. I sometimes (4) ______ lunch with my friend, Karen. She works in the same office as me. We always (5) ______ to the same cafй. I (6) ______ a sandwich and Karen (7) ______ hamburger. We both (8) ______ coffee with our lunch. After lunch Karen and I often (9) ______ for a walk in the park, but we always (10) ______ back at the office by 2.00.

    0    A are    B is    C am
    1    A work    B working    C works
    2    A starts    B start    C started
    3    A finishes    B finishs    C finish
    4    A eats    B eaten    C eat
    5    A goes    B go    C gone
    6    A has    B having    C have
    7    A has    B having    C have
    8    A drinks    B drink    C drinking
    9    A going    B go    C goed
    10    A arrive    B arrives    C arrived
    4    Change the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.
    0    It (rain) is raining today.
    1    I (read) ________________ a very good magazine at the moment.
    2    Joe and Ron (play) ________________ football.
    3    The police officer (talk) ________________ to us.
    4    I (make) ________________ a cup of coffee.
    5    The train (arrive) ________________ .
    6    Bob (come) ________________ to school early today.
    7    We (study) ________________ for our tests.
    8    Lots of people (listen) ________________ the radio at the moment.
    9    You (stand) ________________ on my foot!
    10    Hurry up! The bus is (leaving) ________________ .

    5    Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple.
    0    I (finish) finished my exams last week.
    1    Yesterday, Simon (walk) ________________ to the supermarket.
    2    The plane (arrive) ________________ on time.
    3    We (play) ________________ tennis for two hours.
    4    A bird (fly) ________________ into the window.
    5    It (begin) ________________ to snow.
    6    My family (go) ________________ to Spain for a holiday.
    7    Clare (bring) ________________ her new book to school.
    8    The children (wear) ________________ their best clothes.
    9    I (have) ________________ to talk to the teacher after school.
    10    Graham was ill so he (stay) ________________ at home all day.
    6    Underline the correct word in each sentence.
    0    Do/Did/Don’t Sue want to go shopping?
    1    The shop do/didn’t/don’t open at 9.30.
    2    I does/didn’t/don’t answer the question.
    3    Do/Did/Don’t you see him yesterday?
    4    Does/Did/Don’t they come to the disco?
    5    He do/didn’t/don’t wash the clothes.
    6    Do/Did/Don’t your Mother cook your lunch?
    7    My dog do/didn’t/don’t do it!
    8    I do/doesn’t/didn’t go to the cinema.
    9    I doesn’t/do/didn’t hear you.
    10    Does/Did/Doesn’t you go to bed early?

    Grammar Progress Test 2a (Units 15–27)
    1    Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.
    0    For dinner, my sister (eat) ate pizza, but I (have) had soup.
    1    My brother (drink) ________________ coffee while he (do) ________________ his homework.
    2    He (walk) ________________ into the classroom, then he (sit) ________________ down.
    3    While I (study) ________________ , Sue (run) ________________ into the library.
    4    When the class (finish) ________________ , the teacher (drive) ________________ home.
    5    Harry (sing) _______________ a song when Jane (come) _______________ in.
    6    Nothing happened when I (turn on) ________________ the DVD player.
    7    It (start) ________________ to rain while I (walk) ________________ to the park.
    8    Yuki (listen) ________________ to the radio when the phone (ring) ________________ .
    9    The children (go) ________________ the cinema last night.
    10    Mr. Jones (find) ________________ some money when he (clean) ________________ the cupboards.
    2    Write statements, negative sentences or questions with used to.
    0    you/have/brown hair (question) Did you use to have brown hair?
    1    people/use/the computer (negative) ___________________________________
    2    he/go/running (statement) ___________________________________________
    3    they/like/painting (question) _________________________________________
    4    your brother/come/by bus (statement) __________________________________
    5    we/drink/coffee (negative) __________________________________________
    6    my mother/speak/Spanish (negative) __________________________________
    7    he/live/in Paris (statement) __________________________________________
    8    Julie/play/football (question) ________________________________________
    9    houses/have/bathrooms indoors (negative) ______________________________
    10    all children/go/to school (question) ____________________________________

    3    Read the paragraph. Choose the best tense for each space.
    My grandfather (0)  C  to the same school as me. He (1) ______ to our school last week to talk to the class about what it (2) ______ like in the old days. He (3) ______ he (4)______ the names of all his teachers. One of them still teaches at the school.
    He (5) ______ art and music, but now he only teaches music. As he (6) ______ , he
    (7) ______ us pictures of his school friends. He (8) ______ us that the boys
    (9) ______ only football, but now we play basketball as well. He thinks things
    (10) ______ better in the old days.

    0    A goes    B was going    C used to go
    1    A comes    B came    C was coming
    2    A was being    B is    C was
    3    A said    B says    C was saying
    4    A remembered    B remembers    C was remembering
    5    A is teaching    B used to teach    C teaches
    6    A talks    B is talking    C was talking
    7    A is showing    B showed    C was showing
    8    A told    B is telling    C tells
    9    A play    B were playing    C used to play
    10    A are    B were    C used to
    4    Underline the correct word in each sentence.
    0    I’ve worked here since/for 2001.
    1    Your mother has ever/just come home.
    2    Has he ever/since arrived on time?
    3    We’ve never/ever been to Spain.
    4    Katy has just/for come back fr om her holiday.
    5    I’ve worked here since/for 5 years.
    6    I started this book 2 days since/ago.
    7    They’ve lived here since/for a few months.
    8    She’s early. She’s yet/already arrived.
    9    Mike’s played golf since/for last year.
    10    We haven’t started our homework just/yet.

    5    Change the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.
    0    Someone (eat) has eaten my orange.
    1    Oh no. I (break) ________________ a glass.
    2    My sister (start) ________________ a new school.
    3    Your boyfriend (phone) ________________ .
    4    I (leave) ________________ my new bag on the train.
    5    We (not lose) ________________ all my money. Here it is!!
    6    We (spend) ________________ Ј75 already. Have we got any more money?
    7    I (buy) ________________ some shoes, a new coat a hat.
    8    Pierre (not do) ________________ his homework yet.
    9    My father (go) ________________ to the shops, he’ll be back soon.
    10    You (not write) ________________ that letter yet.
    6    Underline the correct tense.
    0    It’s very cold. It will/is going to snow.
    1    I will/am going to do it tomorrow, promise!
    2    I haven’t got any plans. I don’t know what I will do/am doing next month.
    3    The party will/is going to be on 28th November.
    4    I will/am going to have a cake, please.
    5    I will/am working at 10.00.
    6    Mary has just told me. She will/is going to have a baby.
    7    I am seeing/will see the dentist at 11.15.
    8    I’m sure the train will/is going to arrive soon.
    9    They are leaving/will leave in the morning.
    10    I will finish/am finishing this later.

    Grammar Progress Test 3a (Units 29–41)
    1    Underline the correct word in each sentence.
    0    If you break/broke it, it won’t go.
    1    My cat doesn’t/didn’t come if you call her.
    2    If you don’t do your homework, you will get/got into trouble.
    3    We’ll be late if you didn’t/don’t hurry.
    4    If we leave at 9.00, we arrived/will arrive on time.
    5    I’ll go to the station if you will tell/tell me the way.
    6    If you don’t practise, you will/won’t get better.
    7    I’ll tell you the answer if you will give/give me a cake.
    8    If I pass my exams, I will go/go to university.
    9    We won’t/wouldn’t drive to the beach if the weather’s bad tomorrow.
    10    If you lend me some money, I will pay/am paying you back tomorrow
    2    Choose the best ending (A–J) for each sentence (0–9).
    0    If I were you,    C     A    I’d have a pet one.
    1    If you had a pen,    ____    B    we’ll have a picnic.
    2    If the rain stops,    ____    C    I wouldn’t do it.
    3    If you went to bed early,    ____    D    you’d feel better.
    4    If snakes weren’t dangerous,    ____    E    I’d fly away.
    5    If I were rich,    ____    F    you’d be able to write it down.
    6    If you read the instructions,    ____    G    you wouldn’t be tired.
    7    If I were a bird,    ____    H    he’d pass all his exams.
    8    If Frank worked harder,    ____    I    you’d know what to do.
    9    If you didn’t smoke,    ____    J    I’d buy two cars.

    3    Write two short answers for each question.
    0    Was James watching television?    Yes, he was.    No, he wasn’t.
    1    Is it finished?    _____________    _____________
    2    Can you swim?    _____________    _____________
    3    Have you seen my book?    _____________    _____________
    4    Did he go to school on Monday?    _____________    _____________
    5    Has she been to Vienna?    _____________    _____________
    6    Do you like peanuts?    _____________    _____________
    7    Were they disturbing you?    _____________    _____________
    8    Are you cold?    _____________    _____________
    4    Rewrite each sentence, using the correct form of the word in brackets. Do not change the meaning.
    0    It is necessary to go to school. (have to)
        You have to go to school.
    1    It is impossible for people to fly. (can)
        People _________________________________________________________ .
    2    It is a good idea to work harder. (should)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    3    It is wrong to steal. (must)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    4    You can choose to do the homework. (have to)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    5    To be a very good player, it is important to practise everyday. (have to)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    6    It’s possible you are right. (could)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    7    It wasn’t necessary to come here. (have to)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    8    It is important to do lots of exercise. (should)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    9    It is necessary to wear a helmet when riding a motorbike. (must)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    10    It is a bad idea to smoke. (should)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .

    5    Complete each question.
    0    Who is that man ?    ‘He’s my uncle.’
    1    What _______________________________ ?    ‘She’s a teacher.’
    2    Where ______________________________ ?    ‘He’s gone home.’
    3    How ________________________________ ?    ‘I feel fine, thank you.’
    4    When _______________________________ ?    ‘I bought it two weeks ago.’
    5    Who ________________________________ ?    ‘I was talking to Michael.’
    6    What _______________________________ ?    ‘I’m leaving at 5.30.’
    7    What _______________________________ ?     ‘Music makes me happy.’
    8    How ________________________________ ?    ‘My brother’s 19.’
    9    Who _______________________________ ?    ‘Sue stole the book.’
    10    Where ______________________________ ?    ‘I saw the film at the cinema.’
    6    Write a tag for each sentence.
    0    Stephen works here, doesn’t he ?
    1    She did it, ________________ ?
    2    He knows, ________________ ?
    3    John hasn’t gone, ________________ ?
    4    The bus is leaving soon, ________________ ?
    5    I didn’t break the cup, ________________ ?
    6    Ana will be here, ________________ ?
    7    It’s his, ________________ ?
    8    My cousins are coming, ________________ ?
    9    They weren’t here, ________________ ?
    10    The policeman won’t be angry, ________________ ?

    Grammar Progress Test 3a (Units 29–41)
    1    Underline the correct word in each sentence.
    0    If you break/broke it, it won’t go.
    1    My cat doesn’t/didn’t come if you call her.
    2    If you don’t do your homework, you will get/got into trouble.
    3    We’ll be late if you didn’t/don’t hurry.
    4    If we leave at 9.00, we arrived/will arrive on time.
    5    I’ll go to the station if you will tell/tell me the way.
    6    If you don’t practise, you will/won’t get better.
    7    I’ll tell you the answer if you will give/give me a cake.
    8    If I pass my exams, I will go/go to university.
    9    We won’t/wouldn’t drive to the beach if the weather’s bad tomorrow.
    10    If you lend me some money, I will pay/am paying you back tomorrow
    2    Choose the best ending (A–J) for each sentence (0–9).
    0    If I were you,    C     A    I’d have a pet one.
    1    If you had a pen,    ____    B    we’ll have a picnic.
    2    If the rain stops,    ____    C    I wouldn’t do it.
    3    If you went to bed early,    ____    D    you’d feel better.
    4    If snakes weren’t dangerous,    ____    E    I’d fly away.
    5    If I were rich,    ____    F    you’d be able to write it down.
    6    If you read the instructions,    ____    G    you wouldn’t be tired.
    7    If I were a bird,    ____    H    he’d pass all his exams.
    8    If Frank worked harder,    ____    I    you’d know what to do.
    9    If you didn’t smoke,    ____    J    I’d buy two cars.

    3    Write two short answers for each question.
    0    Was James watching television?    Yes, he was.    No, he wasn’t.
    1    Is it finished?    _____________    _____________
    2    Can you swim?    _____________    _____________
    3    Have you seen my book?    _____________    _____________
    4    Did he go to school on Monday?    _____________    _____________
    5    Has she been to Vienna?    _____________    _____________
    6    Do you like peanuts?    _____________    _____________
    7    Were they disturbing you?    _____________    _____________
    8    Are you cold?    _____________    _____________
    4    Rewrite each sentence, using the correct form of the word in brackets. Do not change the meaning.
    0    It is necessary to go to school. (have to)
        You have to go to school.
    1    It is impossible for people to fly. (can)
        People _________________________________________________________ .
    2    It is a good idea to work harder. (should)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    3    It is wrong to steal. (must)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    4    You can choose to do the homework. (have to)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    5    To be a very good player, it is important to practise everyday. (have to)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    6    It’s possible you are right. (could)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    7    It wasn’t necessary to come here. (have to)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    8    It is important to do lots of exercise. (should)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    9    It is necessary to wear a helmet when riding a motorbike. (must)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .
    10    It is a bad idea to smoke. (should)
        You ___________________________________________________________ .

    5    Complete each question.
    0    Who is that man ?    ‘He’s my uncle.’
    1    What _______________________________ ?    ‘She’s a teacher.’
    2    Where ______________________________ ?    ‘He’s gone home.’
    3    How ________________________________ ?    ‘I feel fine, thank you.’
    4    When _______________________________ ?    ‘I bought it two weeks ago.’
    5    Who ________________________________ ?    ‘I was talking to Michael.’
    6    What _______________________________ ?    ‘I’m leaving at 5.30.’
    7    What _______________________________ ?     ‘Music makes me happy.’
    8    How ________________________________ ?    ‘My brother’s 19.’
    9    Who _______________________________ ?    ‘Sue stole the book.’
    10    Where ______________________________ ?    ‘I saw the film at the cinema.’
    6    Write a tag for each sentence.
    0    Stephen works here, doesn’t he ?
    1    She did it, ________________ ?
    2    He knows, ________________ ?
    3    John hasn’t gone, ________________ ?
    4    The bus is leaving soon, ________________ ?
    5    I didn’t break the cup, ________________ ?
    6    Ana will be here, ________________ ?
    7    It’s his, ________________ ?
    8    My cousins are coming, ________________ ?
    9    They weren’t here, ________________ ?
    10    The policeman won’t be angry, ________________ ?

    Grammar Progress Test 5a (Units 57–69)
    1    Underline the correct word in each sentence.
    0    Is your money in/into your pocket?
    1    Clare isn’t at/on work today.
    2    Did you hear the news in/on the radio?
    3    The shop is near/outside the post office.
    4    There was somebody into/behind him.
    5    Meet me on/in the corner.
    6    We live in/at the end of the street.
    7    Take the second turning at/on the left.
    8    Put this on/to the table.
    9    Is it in/on the library?
    10    Marco lives next to/beside a cafe.
    2    Complete the sentence with a, an, the or ‘zero article’.
    0    What’s that? It’s an orange.
    1    Simon plays _____ piano.
    2    Do you like _____ chocolate?
    3    I haven’t got _____ pencil.
    4    Asia is _____ largest continent.
    5    Quick. Call _____ ambulance.
    6    He went to _____ prison for three years.
    7    I want to go to _____ bed.
    8    Michael doesn’t wear _____ glasses.
    9    Have you got _____ umbrella?
    10    A tiger escaped fr om _____ zoo.

    3    Underline the correct word in each sentence.
    0    Is this/these pen yours?
    1    I think the books are my/mine.
    2    Your skirt is very nice. I like them/it.
    3    He likes her and she likes he/him.
    4    We paid for this. It’s ours/us.
    5    I don’t know someone/anyone in this town.
    6    There was anything/nothing in the room.
    7    You can’t know nothing/everything.
    8    I like your shoes. Where did you get it/them?
    9    Look! There’s something/anything in your soup.
    10    Can I see those/these shoes over there, please?
    4    Change each sentence into direct speech or reported speech.
    0    Tom said he was going.
        ‘I’m going,’ said Tom.
    00    ‘I’m sorry,’ said Sean.
        Sean said he was sorry.
    1    ‘I have missed the train,’ he said.
    2    Brian said it was alright.
    3    ‘I’ve found my bag,’ said the girl.
    4    Mum told us not to be so rude.
    5    ‘That’s not enough,’ said the driver.

    5    Write the instructions.
    0    The police ordered us to stop.    Stop!
    1    The teacher told us to stand up.    ________________
    2    You shouldn’t smoke.    ________________
    3    He ordered us to be quiet.    ________________
    4    The driver told us to get off the bus    ________________
    5    Our mum told us to come here.    ________________
    6    Rewrite each sentence in the passive. Start each sentence with the words underlined.
    0    Three people saw the robbery.
        The robbery was seen by three people.
    1    Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
    2    Watt invented the steam engine.
    3    Real Madrid won the Cup.
    4    Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.
    5    Someone stole my bike.
    6    The Chinese invented paper.
    7    Someone has eaten my banana.
    8    Robots make cars.
    9    Indian women wear saris.
    10    The Scots make whisky.

    7    Write the contraction or the full form.
    0    I have a new house.    I’ve got a new house.
    00    He’s not very clever.    He is not very clever.
    1    I will tell you tomorrow.    _________________________________
    2    That car’s new.    _________________________________
    3    I would not buy that hat.    _________________________________
    4    It’s got two wheels.    _________________________________
    5    He will not say wh ere he bought it.    _________________________________
    6    You can’t have another one.    _________________________________
    7    I’ve got an idea.    _________________________________
    8    She has been to Spain.    _________________________________
    9    Jane isn’t very happy.    _________________________________
    10    They cannot swim.    _________________________________

    Grammar Progress Test 6a (Units 71–89)
    1    Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning.
    0    This book is Bob’s. (his)    This is his book.
    1    I own this house. (mine)    _________________________________
    2    This is Paula and John’s dog. (their)    _________________________________
    3    Who owns this bag? (whose)    _________________________________
    4    Is this money yours? (your)    _________________________________
    5    They own that cat. (theirs)    _________________________________
    6    That house belongs to my family. (our)    _________________________________
    7    I own that coat. (me)    _________________________________
    8    We own this boat. (ours)    _________________________________
    9    This CD is mine. (my)    _________________________________
    10    Are they your animals? (yours)    _________________________________
    2    Put the words in the correct order.
    0    A blue old car ugly.    An ugly old blue car.
    1    A lady dark tall beautiful.    _________________________________
    2    Some apples large green.    _________________________________
    3    A brown dog little pretty.    _________________________________
    4    A new nice skirt cotton.    _________________________________
    5    A science story fiction boring.    _________________________________
    6    A toy red cheap plastic.    _________________________________
    7    An student college untidy.    _________________________________
    8    Some classical old horrible music.    _________________________________
    9    A coffee new glass table.    _________________________________
    10    A old gold nice coin.    _________________________________

    3    Underline the correct word in each sentence.
    0    The Pacific is larger/more large than the Atlantic.
    1    My car is gooder/better than your car.
    2    Australia is the most small/smallest continent.
    3    Tony walks more quickly/quicker than me.
    4    Rome is older/oldest than London.
    5    The white jacket is the most/more expensive.
    6    This video is interestinger/more interesting than the other one.
    7    Sarah is the tallest/most tall in the class.
    8    This is the worst/baddest film I’ve seen.
    9    It’s the beautifullest/most beautiful painting in the gallery.
    10    The new computer is smallest/smaller than the old one.
    4    Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning.
    0    This room is very warm. (It)    It is very warm in this room.
    1    A bird is in the garden. (There)    ____________________________
    2    The other people are waiting. (They)    ____________________________
    3    This town has some good cafйs. (There)    ____________________________
    4    All of us have a cold. (We)    ____________________________
    5    The weather was rainy today. (It)    ____________________________
    6    Somebody was talking in the class. (There)    ____________________________
    7    The sea was cold. (It)    ____________________________
    8    Nobody was home. (There)    ____________________________
    9    All those people are in my family. (They)    ____________________________
    10    Everyone here hates you. (We)    ____________________________

    5    Underline the correct word in each sentence.
    0    It is getting/have getting cold.
    1    Have you done/made the washing-up?
    2    Can you go/come here, please?
    3    We have got/got a new television last month.
    4    You are making/doing too much noise.
    5    Wh ere did you come/go on Friday?
    6    I didn’t get/come your letter.
    7    What time do you go/get up in the mornings?
    8    Give/Take John his books. He’s over in the library.
    9    We are all being/getting older.
    10    Have you got/done any money?
    6    Write one word in each space.
    0    I don’t believe in ghosts.
    1    The teacher told us _____ be quiet.
    2    We wanted _____ go to the cinema.
    3    He’s interested _____ boxing.
    4    We were late_____ class.
    5    Katy is not very good _____ basketball.
    6    We were just talking _____ you.
    7    Clare was fighting _____ her brother.
    8    I’m bored _____ watching television.
    9    They were asking _____ joining the club.
    10    They are wanted _____ the police.
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    olga_1309 Спасибо большое, быстро выполнена работа.  
    Egor_196 Подвел исполнитель. Работу не прислал. Кормит обещаниями. Зря потраченное время    
    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
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