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    Английский язык

    1. Choose the most suitable responses (a, b or c) to the questions.
    1 Excuse me, are you Mr Wu?
    a Yes, I am.
    b Yes, I’m.
    c Yes, I are.
    2 How do you do?
    a Please to meet you.
    b Fine. How are you?
    c Pleased to meet you.
    3 Are you one of the organisers?
    a No, I isn’t.
    b No, I’m not.
    c No, I don’t.
    2. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box in the correct form – Present Simple
    or Past Simple.
    buy get be arrive do tidy
    1 I usually ___________ at work by 6am.
    2 Yesterday I ___________ a new mobile.
    3 I ___________ the house all weekend. It was so boring!
    4 He ___________ back late last night.
    5 What do you _________ on Mondays?
    6 What ________ the weather like in Madrid last week?
    3. Match the beginnings and endings (a–d) of these questions. Write the letters on the lines.
    1 Can I order ___
    2 Can I see ___
    3 Can I call ___
    4 Can I turn ___
    a you back? b your ticket and passport?
    c your computer on?
    d you some squid?
    4.Complete the e-mails below using the words in the box.
    in for about in on
    Please send me information (1) _____ your product range. We are interested (2)_____ your
    range of men’s leisurewear and clothes. Also where are you located? (3)_____ your webpage
    this is not clear.
    Bye for now
    Thank you (4)_____ your interest in our products. I am sending you information as an attached
    file. We are based (5)_____ Los Angeles, California. You are right about our webpage. We are
    updating it.
    Best wishes
    5. Read the text on mobile phones. Then, for sentences 1-7, circle T for true or F for false.
    Mobile phones save lives and increase business opportunities. They also destroy the magic of the
    movies, irritate people in restaurants and interrupt meetings. Some people even take their mobile
    phones to funerals! Being wireless is no excuse for being tactless.
    The mobile phone bore leaves the phone on all the time and uses loud and annoying ring-tones.
    He gets angry and emotional when other people are nearby. Does he respect other people’s
    personal space? No, he doesn’t, he stands next to other people and talks about confidential
    matters in public. In fact, he doesn’t talk, he shouts, and he even answers the phone in restaurants
    and theatres.
    It’s better to be a smart mobile user. This person has a ‘hands-free’ phone in the car. She stops
    the car when a conversation is important. In public she speaks quietly and sets the ring tone at
    ‘low’. She waits for a suitable moment and place before making calls and in public she asks
    people to call her back.
    1 The writer thinks mobile phones can be good. T / F
    2 The writer doesn’t like some people with mobile phones. T / F
    3 A mobile phone bore talks about mobile phones all the time. T / F
    4 A mobile phone bore sometimes switches the phone off. T / F 5 A mobile phone bore likes other people to hear his conversations. T / F
    6 A smart mobile user doesn’t use her hands to drive a car. T / F
    7 A smart mobile user asks other people to speak quietly. T / F
    6. Below are sentences (a to j) fr om five e-mails. There are two sentences in each e-mail.
    Find the sentence pairs and then put the e-mails in the right order. The examples
    (sentences a and j) are the first and last sentences.
    E-mail 1: Example: a 31 ___
    E-mail 2: 32 ___ 33 ___
    E-mail 3: 34 ___ 35 ___
    E-mail 4: 36 ___ 37 ___
    E-mail 5: 38 ___ Example: j
    a Please send information about your product range. We are interested in your digital
    photography equipment.
    b Thank you for your interest in our products. I am sending you information as an attached
    c My apologies for the attachment. Here is a new one in a different format.
    d No problem this time. Congratulations on your new webpage.
    e We are based in Sacramento, California. You are right about our webpage. We are
    updating it.
    f I hope this work for you. Once again, thanks you for your interest in our products.
    g Thank you for getting back to me. I’m afraid there’s a problem with your attachment.
    h Also, where are you located? On your webpage this is not clear.
    i I can’t open it. Can you send it again? Thanks.
    j I really like it. I hope we can do business together.
    7. Read the description of Maria below. Then complete her e-mail to a friend. Use words or
    phrases from the reading. See the example.
    Maria works as a telephonist in a shopping centre. Her workspace is a cubicle with a computer
    and a telephone exchange. She answers calls all day. She gets them from customers, but also
    from suppliers about orders and deliveries. On a normal day she can get over five hundred calls.
    The worst thing is that people think she is responsible for everything. People are always complaining abut things and shouting at her. One man wanted her to tell him how to cook a fish!
    Of course, she can’t hang up. She thinks that in the end she’ll give up her job because she suffers
    from stress. When the phone rings at home, she jumps. She wants to disconnect the phone, but
    her husband needs it for his work.
    Hi Eva
    How are you? How’s your new job? Mine is terrible! I’m working as a telephonist in a shopping
    centre and all I do is (1) _______________ calls all day. Every day I get calls from customers or
    (2) _______________ and what I hate most is that they think I’m
    (3) _______________ for things that go wrong – they complain and shout at me. You’ll never
    believe this but somebody asked me about (4) _______________ the other day. He wanted to
    cook it! I nearly hung up. I went to the doctor yesterday about the
    (5) _______________ . It’s so bad I (6) _______________ when the phone rings at home. I
    want to throw it away but George needs it.
    Are there any vacancies wh ere you work?
    для покупки работы нужно авторизоваться
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    olga_1309 Спасибо большое, быстро выполнена работа.  
    Egor_196 Подвел исполнитель. Работу не прислал. Кормит обещаниями. Зря потраченное время    
    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
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