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    Английский язык

    I. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола и переведите
    полученные предложения.
    1. As time passed the tractor (to develop) for many more purposes.
    a) developed
    b) is developed
    c) will be developed
    d) are developed
    2. The engineer (to work) on this farm for the last three years.
    a) has been working
    b) works
    c) is working
    d) work
    3. Automatic control devices (to play) a great role in agricultural mechanization in
    a) play
    b) are playing
    c) will play
    d) played
    4. Many farms (to use) now automatic waterers which provide water to livestock at
    all times.
    a) use
    b) are using
    c) used
    d) will use
    5. They (to wait) for you to decide which machinery should be bought next year.
    a) has been waiting
    b) have been wait
    c) is waiting
    d) have been waiting
    6. Computerization of agricultural machines, technological processes in agriculture
    (to take place) very soon.
    a) take place
    b) will take place
    c) have taken place
    d) took place
    7. In the recent years, the designs of new machines (to introduce).
    a) have introduced
    b) introduced
    c) have been introduced
    d) will be introduced
    8. Our farm (to finish)the field jobs before the other one did.
    a) finish
    b) finished
    c) is finishing
    d) had finished
    9. A new threshing machine (to use) at the moment.
    a) is being used
    b) is using
    c) used
    d) will be used
    10. The tractor (to supply) with fuel yesterday morning.
    a) supplied
    b) will be supplied
    c) is supplied
    d) was supplied
    II. Выберите правильную форму модального глагола и переведите
    полученные предложения.
    1. One cycle of an internal combustion engine ......... be defined as the complete series
    of events.
    a) must
    b) may
    c) have to
    d) ought
    2. The cooling system... control the temperature of the engine.
    a) should
    b) need
    c) have to
    d) may
    3. The tractor is designed to ..... to do the basic cultivation of land.
    a) can
    b) may
    c) be able
    d) should
    4. The diesel engine .... have a high compression ratio.
    a) must
    b) should
    c) can
    d) need
    5. Last year our farm... buy new machines.
    a) should
    b) may
    c) can
    d) had to
    III. Дополните предложения Причастием I или Причастием II и
    переведите на русский язык.
    1. The efficiency of farm production is one of the problems.... with agriculture that
    many countries still face nowadays.
    a) associating
    b) associate
    c) associated
    d) having associated
    2. “Detonation”, or “knocking”, is an important factor .... engine output.
    a) having limited
    b) limiting
    c) limited
    d) being limited
    3. Mechanization methods ... in the USA attract the attention of many European
    agricultural scientists.
    a) applied
    b) applying
    c) apply
    d) having applied
    4. .... the most useful machine, the present day tractor finds its use in the wide variety
    of farm jobs.
    a) Having been
    b) Been
    c) Being
    d) Be
    5. .... the hydraulic drive, the machine operator decreases the ploughing depth.
    a) Used
    b) Having used
    c) Being used
    d) Using
    IV. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский,
    используя правильные видовременные формы глаголов.
    1. Трактор приводится в движение двигателем внутреннего сгорания.
    2. Сгоревшие газы толкают поршень вниз, производя энергию.
    3. Первые тракторы были большими и использовались для вспашки и
    4. Это хозяйство получило новые комбайны. Вы можете видеть их на полях.
    5. Механик объяснил земледельцам конструкцию новых комбайнов.
    6. Семена зерновых и трав могут сажаться без первой вспашки, боронования и
    подготовки машин.
    7. Лемех следует использовать в полувлажных регионах.
    8. Поршень присоединяется к коленчатому валу.
    9. Для тяжелой обработки будет использоваться гусеничный трактор.
    10. Они должны вспахать почву на этой ферме.
    11. Вчера в шесть часов вечера механики смазывали и заправляли трактор
    12. В данный момент трактор пашет поле лемешным плугом.
    13. Тракторы всегда изменялись.
    14. Инженеру придется проверить сеялку завтра.
    15. Существуют тракторы, выполняющие многие сельскохозяйственные
    V. Подставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу слова и
    переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
    1. The tractor … a great source of power.
    a) provides
    b) gives
    c) takes
    d) requires
    2. The numbers of tractors will increase to meet ….
    a) supply
    b) want
    c) need
    d) demand
    3. Today’s tractor … to propel a large variety of implements.
    a) is used
    b) is taken
    c) is increased
    d) is attached
    4. Implements … and operated by the tractor.
    a) are taken
    b) are connected
    c) are attached to
    d) are made
    5. The tractor is designed … all the filed jobs.
    a) to handle
    b) to give
    c) to propel
    d) to keep
    VI. Прочитайте текст А и выполните упражнения после текста.
    The UK
    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies a
    territory of the British Isles with the total area of 244,100 sq. km. The UK is
    situated off the north – western coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean
    and the North Sea. It is separated fr om the continent by the English Channel
    and the Strait of Dover. The UK is also washed by the Irish Sea, the St
    Georger`s Channel and the North Channel. Surrounding the British Isles by the water has been an important protection against the invaders throughout the
    English history. And certainly, it influences the climate of the country.
    The UK consists of four parts and every part has its national emblem :
    England – the red rose, Scotland – the thistle, Wales – the daffodil and the leek,
    Northern Ireland – the shamrock. The capitals of the four parts are London,
    Edinburgh, Cardiff, and Belfast respectively.
    One can`t describe the country without mentioning its surface. The island of
    Great Britain can be divided into two main regions: Lowland Britain and
    Highland Britain. Lowlands comprise southern and eastern England. Highlands
    include Scotland, Wales, the Pennines, the Lake District, and the southern
    peninsula of Britain. Many rivers are flowing through Great Britain, such as
    the longest Severn, the swiftest Spey, the busiest Thames, etс. All parts of Great
    Britain are worth seeing.
    The population of the UK is over 57 million people. The official language is
    English, but some people continue speaking their mother tongue : Scottish in
    Western Scotland, Welsh in northern and central Wales, and Irish in Northern
    The flag of the UK is made up of three crosses of the patron saints:
    the upright red against a white background – St George of England, the white
    diagonal against the blue background – St Andrew of Scotland, the red
    diagonal against a white background – St Patrick of Northern Ireland. The
    English people have the habit of naming their national flag “ the Union Jack ”.
    The UK is constitutional monarchy. The head of the state is the Queen
    who reigns with the support of Parliament.
    For a long time the UK has succeeded in remaining one of the
    important commercial centres of the world. Nowadays the UK doesn`t depend
    upon economics and industrial manufacturing of other countries.
    Задание 1. Задайте вопросы на английском языке и ответьте на них.
    1. Где расположено Объединенное Королевство?
    2. Из скольких частей состоит Великобритания?
    3. Какой рельеф у этой страны?
    4. Сколько человек проживает в Великобритании?
    5. Как англичане называют флаг своей страны?
    6. Кто является главой государства?
    VII. Переведите текст В с английского языка на русский и ответьте на
    Time and technology don’t stand still. Tractor designers apply the latest
    development to adapt tractor to meet someone specialized needs both in the field and
    feed lot, to make every tractor job faster, easier and much more productive, to keep
    the cab large enough to be comfortable and safety. Today’s tractor can run smoother
    and efficiently. Some of them have the highest PTO horsepower at maximum power.
    Most modern farm tractors are truly “all purpose”.
    They can operate a range of mounted, semi- mounted and trailed implements
    and have hydraulic devices to provide easy and accurate control of the equipment
    fr om driver’s seat. Among the typical operations performed by the latest tractors
    there are plowing, cultivating, harrowing, sowing, harvesting and transporting
    agricultural crops. Garden tractor is designed primary for light estate duty and is not
    intended for continuous heavy service. Using larger machines reduces labor costs
    since they complete the job much faster.
    It has become normal practice to provide electric starting and lights. Other
    developments that have rapidly common include such items as multi – speed gear
    boxes, power steering and power take-off (PTO).
    Вопросы к тексту В. Переведите на русский язык и ответьте на данные
    1. What problems do tractor designers face?
    2. For what jobs are garden tractors designed?
    3. What provide easy and accurate control of the equipment?
    4. What does the use of larger tractor result in?
    5. What farm jobs can tractor perform?
    VIII. Запишите основную идею каждого абзаца данного текста на русском
    Today most robots are used in manufacturing operations. The applications of
    robots can be divided into three categories:
    1)material handling;
    2) processing operations;
    3) assembly and inspection.
    Material-handling is the transfer of material and loading and unloading of
    machines. Material-transfer applications require the robot to move materials or work
    parts from one to another. Many of these tasks are relatively simple: robots pick up
    parts from one conveyor and place them on another. Other transfer operations are
    more complex, such as placing parts in an arrangement that can be calculated by the
    In processing operations robot manipulates a tool to perform a process on the
    work part. Examples of such applications include spot welding, continuous arc
    welding and spray painting. Spot welding of automobile bodies is one of the most
    common applications of industrial robots. The robot positions a spot welder against
    the automobile panels and frames to join them. Arc welding is a continuous process
    in which robot moves the welding rod along the welding seam. Spray painting is the
    manipulation of a spray-painting gun over the surface of the object to be coated.
    The third application area of industrial robots is assembly and inspection. The
    use of robots in assembly increases because of the high cost of manual labour.
    Assembly methods that are satisfactory for humans are not always suitable for robots.
    Screws and nuts are widely used for fastening in manual assembly, but the same
    operations are extremely difficult for a one-armed robot.
    Inspection is another area of factory operations in which the utilization of
    robots is growing. In a typical inspection job, the robot determines the quality of
    products. In nearly all industrial robotic applications, the robot provides a substitute
    for human labour.
    IX. Выполните итоговый тест
    1. I … all the farm equipment every morning.
    a) am checking b) check c) checks
    2. They … highly specialized machines on their farm.
    a) use b) uses c) is using
    3. We can’t work on the field now because it ….
    a) rain b) is raining c) rained
    4. At last I …the drill. You can use it now.
    a) repair b) repaired c) have repaired
    5. The field .... in two weeks.
    a) will harrow b) will be harrowed c) harrows
    6. Cooling systems .... for all types of engines.
    a) used b) is used c) are used
    7. Operation brakes for serious repairs .... to be planned for in advance.
    a) ought b) might c) should
    8. We … use the lubricating oil for cooling the engine parts.
    a) has to b) should c) need
    9. I … repair the engine without a service manual yesterday.
    a) couldn’t b) shouldn’t c) may not
    10. Tractors will … be equipped with an oil filter.
    a) can b) have to c) must
    11. The type of tractor … on the land depends on the type of work.
    a) having been
    b) using
    c) used
    12. The head end of the piston is fitted with smooth rings …. the gases to the
    combustion chamber.
    a) confining b)confined c) being confined
    13. The power ... by the engine reaches the rear wheels.
    a) producing b) having produced c) produced
    14. There are ... parts which cannot transmit their heat directly to the water jackets.
    a) moving b) moved c) having moved
    15. ... the engine we prevent overheating of its parts.
    a) cooled b) cooling c) being cooled
    X. Переведите на русский язык и выучите наизусть следующие диалоги.
    - What’s your name, please?
    - My name is Helen.
    - What’s your surname?
    - My surname is Smith.
    - Wh ere are you from?
    - I’m from Boston.
    - What’s your address, please?
    - 10 Green Street, Boston.
    - What’s your hobby?
    - Music and basketball.
    - How old are you?
    - I am twelve.
    – Hello!
    – Hello! Is that Tom?
    – Speaking.
    – Tom, this is Fred.
    – Oh, Fred, glad to hear you. How are you?
    – I’m fine, thank you. Are you busy?
    – Yes, I am. You know, our friends are here.
    – What are you doing?
    – Henry is playing the guitar, Ann and Jack are dancing.
    – Is Pat with you?
    – Yes, she’s watching TV. Will you join us?
    – With pleasure. How can I get to your place?
    – Take bus number 4.
    – Can you tell me wh ere the club is?
    – Turn to the left and go straight ahead.
    – Thank you very much.
    – That’s all right.
    – How can I get to the cinema from here?
    – Go along Pushkin street. Turn to the right. The cinema is on your left.
    – Thank you.
    – You are welcome!
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    olga_1309 Спасибо большое, быстро выполнена работа.  
    Egor_196 Подвел исполнитель. Работу не прислал. Кормит обещаниями. Зря потраченное время    
    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
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