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    Англ Плужник КР4 стр 219-223

    1. Соотнесите значения слов и выражений, данных в правой колонке, с их английскими эквивалентами, данными в левой колонке.
    1 to execute government decisions
    a) иметь дело с корреспонденцией
    2 to deal with the correspondence
    b) система управления
    3 vote in elections
    c) продвижение по службе
    4 career opportunities
    d) карьерные возможности
    5 personal experience
    e) быть кандидатом, баллотироваться
    6 system of governance
    f) осуществлять решения правительства
    7 issues of legitimacy
    g) ставить себе в заслугу что-либо
    8 to stand for
    h) голосовать на выборах
    9 promotion
    i) вопросы законности
    10 to take credit
    j) личный опыт
    2. Прочитайте текст The President of the Russian Federation и переведите на английский язык слова и выражения, данные в скобках.
    The Constitution gives the President a number of (1. полномочия) that he can use on an ongoing basis to influence the work of the (2. �правительство� � � � � � � � � � � � ). These powers include approving the structure of the federal (3. исполнительные структуры) of power, appointing deputy prime ministers and ministers, the right to preside over government meetings, (4. � � � � � � � � � осуществлять� ) control over the lawfulness of the government’s action, and direct subordination of the security ministries to the President.
    The President has the right to (5. � � � � � распускать� правительство� ) or to accept the Prime Minister’s resignation, which automatically entails the (6. отставка правительства) as a whole.
    Thus, relations between the President and the government mostfully reflect the President’s imperative in setting (7. внутренняя и внешняя политика). Overal the government and the executive bodies of power are considerably more closely linked to the President and are directly under his control.
    The President works with two consultative bodies — the (8. Совет Безопасности) and the State Council. The President chairs these two councils.
    The President forms his Executive Office and oversees the general functioning of the Office. The Office helps the President (9. �осуществлять) his functions and (10. выполнять) his role as guarantor of the Constitution. But the Presidential Executive Office is not an (11. �независимый� � � � � � � � � ) governmental body. The system of Presidential power includes the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoys in the Federal Districts.
    In exercising his constitutional powers, the President works with the (12. законодательная и юридическая отрасли) of power through his authorized (13. представители) to the upper and lower houses of Parliament and the Constitutional Court. Illustrations of this working relationship include the President’s right to submit draft legislation, his responsibility for signing (14. законы) passed by the parliament and his requests to the Constitutional Court to examine whether federal and regional laws conform to the Constitution of Russia.
    3. Прочитайте текст и поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужной видо-временной форме.
    Civil servants (1. be) servants of the Crown. In effect, this (2. mean) the Government of the United Kingdom, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales. Executive powers (3. exercise) generally by ministers of the Crown, who (4. be) in turn answerable to the appropriate Parliament or Assembly. The Civil Service as such (5. have) no separate constitutional personality or responsibility. The duty of the individual civil servant (6. be) first and foremost to the minister in charge of the department in which he or she (7. serve). A change of minister, for whatever reason, (8. not, involve) a change of staff.
    The Civil Service Code, introduced in 1996, (9. be) a concise statement of the role and responsibilities of civil servants. It (10. revise) in 1999 to take account of devolution. The Code (11. include) an independent line of appeal to the Civil Service Commissioners on alleged breaches of the Code.
    As Minister for the Civil Service, the Prime Minister (12. be) responsible for central co-ordination and management of the Civil Service. He (13. support) by the Head of the Home Civil Service, who (14. chair) the Civil Service Management Board. The Cabinet Office (15. oversee) the central framework for management of the Civil Service.
    4. Подберите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол. В некоторых предложениях возможны несколько вариантов.
    1. He (следует) advise the Minister on policies pertinent only to this department. 2. The modern civil service in Britain (� � � может� ) be distinguished from its antecedent organizations by a number of Characteristics. 3. The most junior civil servants are permitted to participate in political activities, but (должны) be politically neutral in the exercise of their duties. 4. All civil servants are subject to the Official Secrets Act, meaning that they (� � � � � � не� могут� ) disclose sensitive government information. 5. The history of the United States’ civil service (может) be divided into four distinct phases. 6. Civil Servants (должны) give honest and impartial advice to the Minister. 7. He (должен) to prepare the speech for his Minister. 8. They (� � � � � � � не� разрешается� ) to write about their experience without permission. 9. Civil servants help to prepare a minister for the questions that (могут) arise in the House of Commons. 10. Civil Servants (не нужно) wear formal dress.
    5. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них сложное дополнение или сложное подлежащее, подчеркните конструкцию, переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1. About half of all civil servants seem to provide services directly to the public. 2. I heard about 80 per cent of civil servants work outside London. 3. Permanent career officials are meant to be neutral in a professional sense. 4. He is likely to be a non-elected person. 5. I want him to deal with the Minister’s correspondence. 6. He is known to be very knowledgeable about technical problems. 7. The function of the Canadian Civil Service is supposed to support the Canadian monarch,
    represented by the Governor General, and the appointed ministry. 8. He wants her to be offered meaningful work. 9. Americans believe a career in the Civil Service to be a unique opportunity to represent America to the world. 10. The classification of the Russian CSS is likely to pose certain difficulties.
    6. Прочитайте предложения и найдите в них причастие или герундий. Подчеркните их. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1. I insist on doing it. 2. I have overall responsibility for ensuring that the Civil Service provides effective and efficient support to the Prime Minister and the Government. 3. I spend a lot of time travelling around the UK and visiting Civil Servants. 4. A new civil service code was launched on 6 June, 2006, to outline the core values and standards expected of civil servants. 5. The Australian Public Service is responsive to the Government in providing frank, honest, comprehensive, accurate and timely advice and in implementing the Government’s policies and programs. 6. The function of the Canadian Civil Service is to support the Canadian monarch, represented by the Governor General, and the appointed ministry. 7. Having supported the Ministers of the Crown he retired. 8. I like his way of doing it. 9. What do you usually do when preparing policy papers? 10. Being busy he couldn't speak to me.
    7. Используйте слово в конце каждой строки, чтобы образовать слово, которое подходит по смыслу.
    Of the world's civil services, the most ...1... on
    several counts is still the British, extremely ...2...
    because of its permanency, its ...3... grants of
    power from Parliament, and its ...4... for absolute
    honesty, although it is criticized for a lack of ...5...
    and for class ...6... in its upper ranges.
    A Civil Service Commission and the ...7... of a
    system of ...8... examinations were established in
    Great Britain in 1855, and the ...9... Whitley
    Councils, representing both ...10... employees and
    ...11... in questions dealing with service conditions,
    were set up after World War II.
    British civil servants are ...12... excluded from
    8. Просмотрите тексты 4 урока еще раз. Определите, какое из утверждений является истинным (T) или ложным (F). Отметьте варианты ответов.
    1. The Civil Service carries out government decisions and therefore plays a vital part in British Politics.
    2. Civil Servants are not elected.
    3. Senior civil servants can be politically active.
    4. Administrative Assistant is the highest rank in the Civil Service.
    5. Civil Servants can work in Economics.
    6. Any person can become a Crown Servant.
    7. Administrative Officer is the first management grade.
    8. Civil service practices are still based on those inherited from the Soviet period.
    9. The Russian civil service is highly responsitive to the ruling elite.
    9. Восстановите порядок слов в вопросах, запишите вопросы и письменно ответьте на них.
    1. What/promotion/does/depend on/within the Civil Service?
    2. Who/government policies/carries out? 3. Permanent career officials/have policy making powers/do? 4. Why/civil servants/may/not/speak to the media without permission? 5. A civil servant/can/a member of a political party/be? 6. What kind of person/a civil servant/in the USA/should/be? 7. Does/the US Department of State/career opportunities/provide/to civil servants? 8. What/the Russian Civil Service/does/suffer from? 9. The Russian Civil Service/is/bureaucratic? 10. What/for the systems/is of the majority of former republics of the USSR/typical?
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