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    грамматика текст Power Plant упр к нему

    Страницы 91-96, упражнения 22,24,25
    Задание 22. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на пассивный залог временных форм Indefinite.1. The books were borrowed from the central library.
    2. An interesting problem was discussed at the lecture. 3. The newspapers are usually brought in the morning.  4. When was the Moscow University founded?  5. All the work will be done by automatic machinery.  6. The experiments will be completed by the end of the week. 7. The young workers are trained to use the new equipment.
    8. A lot of time is given to the study of the new methods of work.
    9. The lectures on mathematics were attended by all the students.
    10. At the Institute the students are taught many different subjects.
    11. The children of Sparta were given a military education.
    12. In Athens special attention was paid to reading, writing and literature. 13. The electric lamp was invented by Yablochkov.
    Задание 24. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на пассивный залог временных форм Perfect.1. He decided to become a writer when his first story had been published.
    2. The temperature has been maintained at the point of 20 degrees since the beginning of the experiment.
    3. Has the new apparatus been already installed in the laboratory?
    4. The new apparatus had already been installed when the delegation arrived.  5. Have you ever been told about London?
    Задание 25. Вставьте необходимую форму.
    1. The day before yesterday we (invite) to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins. (are invited, were invited, invite) 2. This book (republish) by the end of September. (would been republished, will have been republished, will been republished) 3. The letter and the parcel (post) tomorrow. (will be post, will have been posted, will be posted) 4. Margaret (know) to be a very industrious person. (has been known, is known, is been known) 5. In Greece the Olympic Games (hold) once in four years. (were held, are being held, are held) 6. I (bear) in a small Russian town not far from Samara. (was borne, am born, was born) 7. Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage (already/pack). (was already being packed, had already been packed, was packed) 8. The problem (study) for three years, but they haven’t got any results. (has been studied, has being studied, was studied) 9. What a pity, John won’t come. He (tell) about the meeting beforehand. (should have been told, should be told, should been told)
    Задание 27. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите форму и функцию инфинитива1. We want to translate this article. 2. To master a language one must work much. 3. The experiment to be performed requires much time. 4. Our country was the first to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes. 5. We have a number of problems to be solved. 6. To explain the problem is not easy. 7. The cells are connected in series to increase the voltage output. 8. The work to be completed by us this month is of great importance for our plant. 9. The main task of our research was to discover new sources of energy. 10. We must use a transformer to change high voltage into low one.Задание 30. Выберите правильный перевод инфинитива.
    1. To create an optical glass he made many experiments. (создание, чтобы создать, созданное)
    2. To find out the nature of magnetism was difficult. (чтобы выяснить, выяснить, выясненная)
    3. We are to measure the current. (следует измерить, измеряем, должны измерить)
    4. He went to the factory to discuss his new invention. (для обсуждения, обсуждая, чтобы обсудить)
    5. To repair this transformer was impossible. (ремонт, отремонтировать, ремонтируя)
    6. To prove Ohm’s law we must carry out many experiments. (чтобы доказать, доказательство, доказывая)
    7. The metal to be used in our experiment is to be hard. (будет использован, нужно использовать; может быть, должен быть)
    8. The idea to use this new substance didn’t leave us. (чтобы использовать, об использовании, использование)
    9. Our work is to observe the rise of temperature. (наблюдение, чтобы наблюдать, наблюдать)
    10. The professor to deliver a lecture at our institute Задание 36. Переведите предложения на русский язык, выбрав правильный вариант ответа.
    1. He seems to know English well.
    a) Он, кажется, знает английский хорошо.
    b) Кажется, он знает английский хорошо.
    c) Знает он английский хорошо.
    2. Coal is considered to be a valuable fuel.
    a) Уголь считается ценным топливом.
    b) Считают, что уголь является ценным топливом.
    c) Ценным топливом считается уголь.
    3. She is said to know several foreign languages.
    a) Говорят, что она знает несколько иностранных языков.
    b) Она, говорят, знает несколько иностранных языков.
    c) Говорят, что она знала несколько иностранных языков.
    4. They were reported to have arrived in Moscow.
    a) Они, сообщили, приехали в Москву.
    b) Сообщили, что они приехали в Москву.
    c) В Москву они приехали, сообщили.
    5. He is known to have a large collection of pictures.
    a) Известно, что у него большая коллекция картин.
    b) У него есть большая коллекция картин.
    c) Большая коллекция картин, известно, есть у него.
    Задание 39. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Укажите вид оборота (Сложное Подлежащее или Сложное Дополнение).
    1. The caloric is known to be the unit of heat. 2. The sun is considered to be a valuable source of power. 3. We know this scientist to have made an important discovery in electrical engineering. 4. Scientists all over the world consider M. Faraday to be one of the greatest inventors. 5. The current is known to be caused by electrons flow. 6. Transistors proved to be more efficient than tubes. 7. The engineers expect this new plant to generate more electricity. 8. That device seems to be very complex. 9. We are likely to begin a new experiment next week. 10. Lomonosov believed Franklin to have achieved good results in the field of atmospheric electricity.
    Задание 44. Переведите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом, стоящим в начале предложения.
    1. The plan having been discussed, the meeting was over. 2. The experiment having been made, the student went out. 3. The technology having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible. 4. Silver being very expensive, we only rarely use it as a conductor. 5. The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was low. 6. The circuit having been broken, the flow of current stopped. 7. There being a hydroelectric station at the waterfall, the energy of the falling water is used to drive the turbines. 8. The letter to her parents having been written, she went to post it. 9. The work having been finished, the students went home. 10. Our teacher making the experiment, we observed a new phenomenon.

    Задание 45. Переведите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом, стоящим в конце предложения.
    1. There are many good conductors of electricity, silver and copper being the best of all. 2. We all went out for a walk, he remaining at home. 3. There are many sources of energy, the sun being one of them. 4. Computers represent a completely new branch of science, the first of them having appeared not so long. 5. We saw many electrical installations, some of the devices being connected to the ground. 6. Electrical devices find a wide application in every house, a refrigerator being one of them. 7. My friend was reading an English article, his brother watching television. 8. Almost all metals are good conductors of electricity, copper being one of the best. 9. My brother finished his work, his friend having helped him.
    Задание 49. Определите тип условного предложения, Предложения переведите.
    1. If it had rained yesterday, we should have stayed at home. 2. I should have done this work in case I had got the necessary tools. 3. If he had read this book, he could have told us about it. 4. The accident might not have occurred if they had been more careful. 5. If he had been at the lecture yesterday, he could have answered your question. 6. Unless the device were repaired, it would be impossible to work. 7. Provided you see him, ask him to come. 8. If people of the past had known that lightning was atmospheric electricity, they would not have invented numerous stories about it. 9. If atomic energy replaced the present sources of energy, we should get more energy. 10. If professor Rihman had thought of the possible danger, lightning would not have killed him.
    Задание 52. Определите, какая форма глагола пропущена.
    1. If I had time, I … there. (should go, shall go, should have gone)
    2. If I had the book, I … it to you. (shall give, should give, should have given)
    3. I … this text, provided I had not lost my dictionary. (shall translate, should translate, should have translated)
    4. If my friend finishes his work early, he … me. (will help, would help, would have helped)
    5. The electrical devices … for a long time, provided they are made of good material. (will work, would work, would have worked)
    6. You look tired. If I (be) you, I (take) a holiday. (have been, were, would take, will take)
    7. If I (see) her, I (speak) to her. But I didn’t see her and speak to her. (saw, had seen, spoke, would have spoken)
    8. Hurry up! We (not/ get) good seats if we (arrive) late. (don’t get, won’t get, arrive, will arrive)
    9. If I (know) that you were coming, I (meet) you at the airport. I had a lot of time to do that. (knew, had known, would meet)
    10. What a pity my husband is away! If he (be) here he (help) us. (is, were, helps, would help)
    A power plant or a power generating station is basically an industrial location that is utilized for the generation and distribution of electric power in mass scale. These are generally located at the suburban regions or several kilometers away from the cities or the load centers, because of its requisites like huge land and water demand, along with several operating constraints like the waste disposal. For this reason, a power generating station has to not only take care of efficient generation but also the fact that the power is transmitted efficiently over the entire distance. And that’s why the transformer switch yard to regulate transmission voltage also becomes an integral part of the power plant.
    At the center of it nearly all power generating stations has an AC generator or an alternator, which is basically a rotating machine that is equipped to convert energy from the mechanical domain (rotating turbine) into electrical domain by creating relative motion between a magnetic field and the conductors. The energy source harnessed to turn the generator shaft varies widely, and is chiefly dependent on the fuel used.
    A power plant can be of several types. For the purpose of bulk power generation thermal, nuclear and hydro power generating stations can be mentioned.
    In hydroelectric plants the energy of the falling water is utilized to drive the turbine which in its turn runs the generator to produce electricity. An important point to be noted is that the hydroelectric plants are of much lower capacity compared to their thermal or nuclear counterpart. For this reason hydro plants are generally used in scheduling with thermal stations to serve the load during peak hours. They in a way assist the thermal or the nuclear plant to deliver power efficiently during periods of peak hours.

    1.    Определите, являются ли утверждения истинными (T), ложными (F) или нет информации в тексте (Can’t Tell).
    1)    A power station is an industrial facility for the generation of electric power.  
    2)    Power plants are generally located in the city centers.
    3)    The transformer switch yard to regulate transmission voltage is an integral part of the power plant.
    4)    At the center of a power plant there is an AC motor.
    5)    Power plants supplying energy to a system include base load power plants that run nearly continually to provide load that doesn't vary during a day or week, peaking power plants that meet the daily peak load which may only be for one or two hours each day and load following power plants that can economically follow the variations in the daily and weekly load.
    2.    Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию из текста.
    1)    What is a power plant?
    2)    Why are power plants located at the suburban regions or several kilometers away from the cities or the load centers?
    3)    How does an AC generator convert energy from the mechanical into electrical?
    4)    What power generating stations are used for bulk power generation?

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