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    Англ_КР 1 и 2

    Контрольная работа № 1

    Задание №1
    Заполните пропуски в тексте следующими глаголами. Глаголы необходимо использовать в правильной форме в простом настоящем времени. Present Simple (positive)
    start  have     watch    go    have    read    work   open    arrive    
    tell    come   delete   listen   talk    enjoy   work   say  reply

    A day in the life of Carol Green
    Carol Green is a presenter of the hit TV show Fashion Today. Her work _______________even before she gets to the studio. When she has breakfast, she usually __________________ TV or __________ to the radio, looking for new stories. On the way to work she ___________ the newspapers to see if there is any fashion news.
    When she _________________at the studio, she ______________ a coffee and then she __________her emails. After she _____________all the spam, she ___________to the important messages.  
    Carol  ___________________with a team of TV journalists who make reports about top fashion events. They ______________regular morning meetings , they ___________about the latest stories, they review ongoing projects and upd ate project timelines. Carol tries to have lunch in their canteen as often as possible, but of course she sometimes has lunch out with advertisers.
    Carol often spends the afternoon away fr om the studio. Sometimes she ________________ to fashion shows, and at other times the designers ____________ to the studio and ___________her about their latest clothes.
    The show is on every evening, so everyone __________ really hard. Carol ___________that it’s a team effort and they __________it. The working hours are long, but Carol likes her job, because it is creative and she meets a lot of interesting people.
    Задание № 2
    Письменно ответьте на вопросы:
    1.    What do you always do at work?
    2.    What do you usually do at work?
    3.    What do you often do at work?
    4.    What do you sometimes do at work?
    5.    What do you hardly ever do at work?

    Задание №3
    Письменно закончите предложения информацией о себе.
    1.    My working day starts at …
    2.    When I arrive at work, I …
    3.    After that I …
    4.    I usually have lunch …
    5.    In the afternoons I ..
    6.    I finish my work …
    7.    I like my job, because …

    Контрольная работа № 2
    Вариант №5

    I. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect, переведите предложения на русский язык.

    1.    He just (to pass) the exam.
    2.    You (to see) my keys? I can’t find them!
    3.    She (to read) the book this week.
    4.    She (not to close) the window, that’s why it is cold in the room.
    5.    The engineers just (to discuss) this problem.
    6.    I (to visit) New York recently.

    II. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

    1.    She (to go) to the cinema last week.
    2.    We (to go) to the cinema this week.
    3.    Can I have your dictionary? No, I (not to finish) the translation yet.
    4.    When you (to finish) the translation yesterday?
    5.    You ever (to be) to London?
    6.    When he (to be) a child, he (to like) to eat apricot pies very much.

    III. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

    1.    When Mark and I (to come) to the theatre the play already (to start).
    2.    Max (not to know) what to do when Alice (to waste) all the money.
    3.    I (to be) sorry to hear that she (not to pass) the exam.
    4.    Mother (to cook) dinner before the children (to return) home.
    5.    They (to move) into a new house after they (to sell) their old one.
    6.    David said that he (to have) a very good time on holiday.

    IV. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в будущее время (Simple, Continuous, Perfect). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

    1.    Tomorrow at this time we (to dive) down the river!
    2.    Don’t worry, I (to come) soon.
    3.    We (to do) this work by Thursday.
    4.    He (to play) computer games the whole day tomorrow.
    5.    The family (to have) dinner as soon as the father comes.
    6.    The students (to pass) exams by the end of the month.

    V. Подчеркните сказуемое предложения, определите его видовременную форму, переведите предложения на русский язык.

    1.    In Russia children go to school at the age of seven.
    2.    The accountant will have finished the report by the end of the quarter.
    3.    By 2006 the tourist industry was providing employment for about 5 per cent of Canada’s total labour force.
    4.    Also in the 1990s, the high technology and electronics industries experienced rapid growth.
    5.    This factory had fulfilled its plan by the end of the year.
    6.    The student is writing his course work at the moment.

    VI. Подчеркните модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты в предложениях, переведите предложения на русский язык.

    1.    Alex can swim very well, but she can’t dive.
    2.    They will be allowed to go home.
    3.    You mustn’t smoke here!
    4.    You should stop smoking as soon as possible.
    5.    I don’t have to get up early, because I live near my work.
    6.    I could not say anything before he explained the problem.

    VII. Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глаголами и их эквивалентами.

    1.    I … come yesterday, because I had a meeting yesterday. (could not/didn’t have to/cannot)
    2.    We won’t have time tomorrow, we … to take a taxi. (will be able/will have/can)
    3.    Who … to meet the delegation at the railway station? (can/must/will be able)
    4.    We … speak English, because our guests don’t know Russian. (could/must/may)
    5.    … we come in and take our seats? (should/may/have to)
    6.    You … to go if you do your job on time. (will be allowed/will be able/will have)

    VIII. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод существительных в функции определения.

    1.    Due to its geographical situation London has developed into an important seaport.
    2.    I don’t know what I like more: milk chocolate or chocolate milk.
    3.    Wood products are important in Russian’s industry.
    4.    Many people in our country are fond of different winter sports.
    5.    The paper industry is now producing a great variety of commodities.
    6.    The most valuable forest region for timber production is the west coast of Canada, where the climate is conductive to the growth of giant trees.

    IX. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий и на сравнительные конструкции.

    1.    The cheaper I buy a mobile phone, the better it is for me.
    2.    She is as beautiful and clever as her mother.
    3.    This information is more useful than the previous one.
    4.    The Volga is the longest river in Europe.
    5.    It is the worst situation, I have ever been in.
    6.    It’s healthier to eat fruit and vegetables than fast food.

    X. Заполните пропуски словами many, much, a lot of.

    1.    There are … interesting places to see in our city.
    2.    How … buyers come to your supermarket every day?
    3.    There isn’t … water in the kettle, add some and boil it.
    4.    … people were at the concert yesterday.
    5.    She can’t buy this dress, because she hasn’t got … money.
    6.    I get … telephone calls every day.

    XI. Составьте утвердительные предложения из следующих слов.

    1.    Often, goes, to, he, dentist, the.
    2.    Doesn’t, very, it, much, rain, summer, in.
    3.    To, the, trying, man, is, open, car, the, of, door, his.
    4.    Has, she, to, gone, week, Italy, this.
    5.    The, everybody, be, film, watching, will.
    6.    Kevin, by 6 o’clock, left, work, had, his, yesterday.

    XII. Выберите соответствующий вспомогательный глагол для следующих отрицательных предложений: a) do, b) does, c) did, d) is, e) are, f) was, g) have, h) will ....

    1.    They … not buy anything yesterday.
    2.    I … not been in Europe yet. It’s my dream.
    3.    My brother … not planting fruit trees in the garden now.
    4.    She likes mountain skiing, but … not like skating.
    5.    Their son … not have finished college by the end of the year.
    6.    They … not enjoy reading tabloids.

    XIII. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму.

    1.    Steve and Tim are in the cinema now.
    2.    She goes to the swimming pool twice a week.
    3.    May will be warm and dry this year.
    4.    We gathered berries and mushrooms yesterday.
    5.    He has returned from Rome this week.
    6.    I could run very fast when I was young.

    XIV. Заполните пропуски соответствующими вопросительными словами.

    1.    … did you live in Moscow?
    2.    … does this thing cost?
    3.    … was he born?
    4.    … do you work here, if you don’t like your job?
    5.    … is your son doing in my garden?
    6.    … is your boss?

    XV. Поставьте вопрос к выделенным словам в предложению Начните вопрос с указанного слова.

    1.    My parents go skiing at weekends in winter. When…
    2.    Emily went to the camp every summer. Wh ere …
    3.    We will go to the Internet cafe with our friends. Who …  with?
    4.    All students in our group had known English well by the end of the course. Who…
    5.    He hasn’t done this task, because he doesn’t like it. Why …
    6.    Our teacher likes to spend her free time walking in the park. How …

    XVI. Прочитайте и письменно переведите весь текст.

    Canadian English

    Canada is officially a bi-lingual country, about a third of its inhabitants are French speaking, direct descendents of the settlers in New France. Canadian French is a stable and well defined language as, say, Yorkshire English, and it has a strong and well-defined literary tradition.
    The rest of Canada offers nothing so simple. There is a jocular definition of the Canadian as one who is always mistaken for an Englishman in the United States and for an American in England.
    To understand the Canadian language in the XXI century, we shall have to go back to the XVIII.
    The first considerable influx of English-speaking settlers was that of Loyalists from the revolting American colonies who formed the original population of Ontario and New Brunswick. There was a se ttlement of Highlanders started in Prince Edward England Island by Lord Selkirk. This provided a precedent for a number of Scottish colonies in Ontario and Manitoba and marked the beginning of that pervasive Caledonian influence which is such a noticeable feature of Canadian life.
    The most surprising thing about the English currently used now in Canada is its homogeneity. Regional differences exist, but they are subtle.

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    olga_1309 Спасибо большое, быстро выполнена работа.  
    Egor_196 Подвел исполнитель. Работу не прислал. Кормит обещаниями. Зря потраченное время    
    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
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