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    Добавлен 07.01.2023 09:24:03



    Подробно: Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте НЕВЕРНОЕ утверждение / НЕВЕРНЫЕ утверждения согласно содержанию текста. Management in business is of no importance. A team of workers evaluates alternative plans of the company before choosing a specific course of actions. Management includes four basic functions. They are: planning, organizing, directing and controlling. The main duty of a manager is to see business operates efficiently. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS Question 2 Укажите, каким структурным компонентом предложения является выделенное слово. Organizing, the second management function is the process of putting the plan into action. дополнение / группа дополнения сказуемое / группа сказуемого обстоятельство / группа обстоятельства подлежащее / группа подлежащего Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text SOURCES OF FINANCE: true statements Question 3 Показать текст SOURCES OF FINANCE In setting up any business the first thing to do is to estimate how much capital will be needed immediately. The amount needed will depend entirely upon the type of business, how large it is going to be, and how long it will be before the business begins to ‘pay its way’. Once these amounts have been calculated, a serious look can be taken at how the money is to be obtained. There is a number of sources of capital which can be considered by small businessmen. They are owner’s private savings, personal friends, taking on a partner and a loan from a bank. The most obvious source is personal savings. The advantage of an owner using his own money is that the business remains free of commitments to partners or outside lenders. It also means that all profits will be his. Personal savings remain the cheapest form of finance available. Capital can sometimes be obtained in the form of loans from friends, neighbours or relatives. The only disadvantage is that with any business there is always a risk. This means that, if money is obtained in this way, the borrower may one day tell a friend or a relative that all the money has been lost. Taking on a partner means persuading a person with capital to become a partner in the business. The capital would be interest-free and unlike a loan, wouldn’t have to be repaid. Profits, however, would have to be split. A loan from a bank is another source of finance. But there exist some problems: the first is to convince the bank that the proposed business is likely to succeed. The second is that the bank will probably want some forms of ‘security’ for the loan which they can take if the loan is not repaid such as a paid-up life assurance policy, a mortgage on a house or a pledge of reasonably valuable personal possessions. A loan is usually for a fixed, clearly stated period. Interest is charged on the full amount of the loan whether it is taken out of the bank or not. One more source of finance is leasing that means simply renting. The professional advice of a banker or a lawyer should also be taken regarding the sources of finance for business. Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘SOURCES OF FINANCE’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте верное утверждение / верные утверждения согласно содержанию текста. Taking a loan from a bank is the most profitable source of finance for starting business. One of the ways of obtaining money is personal savings. With personal savings business remains free of commitments to partners or outside lenders. There are not any problems with taking a loan from a bank. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text MARKETING: true statements Question 4 Показать текст MARKETING If production is to meet needs efficiently, there are two things necessary. The first is that producers must know what to produce. And the second is that consumers must know what is being produced. Linking these two factors together is the task and responsibility of the marketing staff. Marketing involves keeping producers aware of the needs of consumers and ensuring that their products are made available to consumers in the way and form they want. There are some functions that marketing involves: 1. Market research. The object of market research is primarily to find out what the public wants. Market researchers should find out what consumers want and advise producers accordingly. They also recommend the standard of quality, style of packaging, choice of brand – name and general design of the products concerned. 2. Distribution. Products can be distributed to consumers in different ways. Some are best distributed through the manufacturer’s own retail outlet, some through a network of wholesalers and retailers, others by direct mail-order. 3. Pricing. Marketing managers should always be in close touch with market conditions so that they can advice on the best price to charge for products. 4. Advertising. If customers don’t know about new products, they will never buy them. Marketing managers are expected to know the best ways to advertise products. This involves choice of media (radio, television, press, boarding). It also involves knowing the best form of advertisement to be taken and the advertising slogan to be used. 5. Selling. This involves the skills of personal selling, together with display and presentation skills such as those involved in window displays, exhibitions, news releases, and product promotions. Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘MARKETING’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте верное утверждение / верные утверждения согласно содержанию текста. Marketing managers have to know the ways of advertising products. There are no ways for customers to know about a new product. Pricing includes recommendations for the best price of the product. Knowing the best ways of advertising products is a part of marketing. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text ‘WHAT IS ECONOMICS?’: false statements Question 5 Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘WHAT IS ECONOMICS?’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте НЕВЕРНОЕ утверждение / НЕВЕРНЫЕ утверждения согласно содержанию текста. Economics is an interesting, persuasive, and intellectually satisfying science about selected aspects of experience. Weather forecast might serve as an object for some economists’ attention. The scope of economics is indicated by the facts which it deals with. During much of modern history economics was called simply ‘the science of human behaviour’. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Question 6 Укажите, каким структурным компонентом предложения являются выделенные слова. A lot of software engineers use С to write commercial applications programs for mini, micro and personal computers. дополнение / группа дополнения обстоятельство / группа обстоятельства сказуемое / группа сказуемого подлежащее / группа подлежащего Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text SOURCES OF FINANCE: false statements Question 7 Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘SOURCES OF FINANCE’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте НЕВЕРНОЕ утверждение / НЕВЕРНЫЕ утверждения согласно содержанию текста. Before starting business one has to get some professional advice of a banker or a lawyer. When you take a loan from a bank, you have to convince the bank that the proposed business is likely to succeed. Starting any business is a guarantee of its success. Taking a loan from a bank is the most profitable source of finance for starting business. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text MARKETING: false statements Question 8 Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘MARKETING’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте НЕВЕРНОЕ утверждение / НЕВЕРНЫЕ утверждения согласно содержанию текста. There are no ways for customers to know about a new product. Keeping producers aware of needs of consumers is one of the marketing staff responsibilities. Marketing staff is responsible for the following things: what to produce and what is being produced. Market research is always connected with consumers’ needs. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: true statements Question 9 Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте верное утверждение / верные утверждения согласно содержанию текста. Machine oriented language is called а higher-level language. А high-level language is a complex means of describing the information structures. А high-level language is a simple means of describing the information structures. Higher-level languages were developed to make the program easier to write. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: false statements Question 10 Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте НЕВЕРНОЕ утверждение / НЕВЕРНЫЕ утверждения согласно содержанию текста. Programs written in one of the high-level should be converted by means of a compiler into a lower-level language. People communicate instructions to the computer in symbolic languages. Machine oriented language is called а higher-level language. Programs written in one of the high-level languages cannot be run on different types of computer. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text ‘WHAT IS ECONOMICS?’: true statements Question 11 Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘WHAT IS ECONOMICS?’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте верное утверждение / верные утверждения согласно содержанию текста. In recent years economics has invaded territory exclusively by physical anthropologists, experimental psychologists, and palaeontologists. Economics is a nonexperimental science. Economics draws a lot of its content and character from intuition, casual observation, and ‘common knowledge about human nature’. Economics is a social science that studies economy. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text COMPUTERS CONCERN YOU: false statements Question 12 Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘COMPUTERS CONCERN YOU’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте НЕВЕРНОЕ утверждение / НЕВЕРНЫЕ утверждения согласно содержанию текста. Computer has turned nowadays into an important tool for different specialists. Computers can do half a billion sums in one second. The first calculating machine is a descendant of computer. The first calculating machine was invented during the second decade of the 19th century. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text COMPUTERS CONCERN YOU: true statements Question 13 Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘COMPUTERS CONCERN YOU’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте верное утверждение / верные утверждения согласно содержанию текста. The distance between the car and any other car in front of it is measured by a beam of light transmitted forwards. The car’s computer keeps the constant speed. The distance between the car and any other car in front of it is measured by a beam of light transmitted backwards. The car’s computer doesn’t keep the speed constant. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один). Text COMPUTERS CONCERN YOU Question 14 В приведённом ниже предложении определите корреляцию выделенного слова и введите её в ответ. The distance between the car and any other car in front of it is measured by a beam of light transmitted forwards. Сообщить о технической ошибке Введите слово, словосочетание или символьно-цифровое выражение. Text MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS: true statements Question 15 Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте верное утверждение / верные утверждения согласно содержанию текста. One has to have leadership abilities to become a manager. Managers do not communicate with employees at any level. Leadership abilities are very important for a manager. Сообщить о технической ошибке Выберите все верные ответы (может быть несколько или один).

    Кратко: Показать текст Прочитайте внимательно текст ‘MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS’ (смотрите ссылку «Показать текст»). Отметьте НЕВЕРНОЕ утверждение / НЕВЕРНЫЕ утверждения согласно содержанию текста. Management in business is of no importance. A team of workers evaluates alternative plans of the company befo...

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